High Schools in Lake Elsinore, CA
There's 4 high schools found in Lake Elsinore, CA. This is 21% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Lake Elsinore schools on this page to choose from.
Lake Elsinore Map with High Schools
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List of Lake Elsinore High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Lake Elsinore. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
1405 Ed Way, Lake Elsinore, CA - 92530-2711
32593 Riverside Dr., Lake Elsinore, CA - 92530-7802
520 Chaney St. Bldg. 100, Lake Elsinore, CA - 92530-1230
28755 El Toro Rd, Lake Elsinore, CA - 92532-1912
Other High Schools Nearby
The following high schools are located nearby Lake Elsinore.
Faith Baptist Academy (5.3 miles)21220 Walnut St, Wildomar, CA - 92595-8977
Elsinore High School (5.4 miles)21800 Canyon Dr., Wildomar, CA - 92595-9181
California Ranch School (5.7 miles)21135 Olympia Ave, Perris, CA - 92570-9344
California Lutheran High School (6.6 miles)31970 Central St, Wildomar, CA - 92595-9709
Grace Christian School of Wildomar (6.6 miles)34878 Monte Vista Dr Ste 120, Wildomar, CA - 92595-7006
Perris Lake High (continuation) (8.4 miles)418 W. Ellis, Perris, CA - 92570-4544
Scholar Plus Online Learning (8.4 miles)418 Ellis Ave., Perris, CA - 92570-4544
Paloma Valley High School (8.5 miles)31375 Bradley Rd., Menifee, CA - 92584-9368
Morgan Academy (8.7 miles)25118 Birchtree Ct, Corona, CA - 92883-3010
Applied Scholastics Online Academy (8.8 miles)15020 Burwood Dr, Lake Mathews, CA - 92570-9499
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Find in Lake Elsinore
Schools of Lake Elsinore are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Lake Elsinore schools of that type.
- Elementary Schools (12)
- Middle Schools (6)
- High Schools (4)
- Public Schools (19)
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