Public Schools in Keene, NH
There's 8 public schools found in Keene, NH. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Keene schools on this page to choose from.
Keene Map with Public Schools
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List of Keene Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Keene. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
217 Washington St., Keene, NH - 03431-3110
422 Elm St., Keene, NH - 03431-1820
227 Maple Avenue, Keene, NH - 03431
43 Arch St., Keene, NH - 03431-2298
167 Maple Ave., Keene, NH - 03431-3126
149 Emerald Sreet, Keene, NH - 03431
79 Park Ave, Keene, NH - 03431-2399
24 Adams St, Keene, NH - 03431-4132
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Keene.
Surry Village Charter School (4.2 miles)449 Route 12a, Surry, NH - 03431-8106
Mt Caesar Elementary School (5.5 miles)585 Old Homstead Hwy., E. Swanzey, NH - 03446-2309
Marlborough Elementary School (5.7 miles)41 Fitch Court, Marlborough, NH - 03455-2437
Cutler Elementary School (5.8 miles)31 S. Winchester St., W. Swanzey, NH - 03446-3213
Monadnock Regional High School (5.8 miles)580 Old Homestead Hwy., E. Swanzey, NH - 03446-2308
Monadnock Regional Middle School (5.8 miles)580 Old Homestead Hwy., E. Swanzey, NH - 03446-2308
Westmoreland School (6.9 miles)40 Glebe Rd, Westmoreland, NH - 03467-4616
Gilsum Steam Academy (7 miles)640 Route 10, Gilsum, NH - 03448
Wells Memorial School (8.2 miles)235 Chesham Rd, Harrisville, NH - 03450-5515
Leaf Charter School (8.6 miles)6a Baine Road, Alstead, NH - 03602-3956
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Find in Keene
Schools of Keene are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Keene schools of that type.
- Preschools (6)
- Elementary Schools (10)
- Middle Schools (6)
- High Schools (3)
- Public Schools (8)
- Private Schools (6)
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