Private Schools in Huntington, WV
There's 6 private schools found in Huntington, WV. This is 24% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Huntington schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Huntington Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Huntington. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
2400 Johnstown Rd, Huntington, WV - 25701-4738
Po Box 9128, Huntington, WV - 25704-1611
535 Norway Ave, Huntington, WV - 25705-1537
535 Norway Ave, Huntington, WV - 25705-1598
600 13th St, Huntington, WV - 25701-2302
1326 6th Ave, Huntington, WV - 25701-2419
Other Private Schools Nearby
The following private schools are located nearby Huntington.
Holy Family School (12.5 miles)932 Winchester Ave, Ashland, KY - 41101
Rose Hill Christian School (13.5 miles)1001 Winslow Rd, Ashland, KY - 41102-5300
St Joseph High School (15.5 miles)912 S 6th St, Ironton, OH - 45638-1962
St Lawrence School (15.8 miles)315 S 6th St, Ironton, OH - 45638-1495
Mountain State Christian School (19.7 miles)1948 Martin Ln, Culloden, WV - 25510-9792
Trinity Christian Academy (22.5 miles)409 W Pike St, Louisa, KY - 41230-1230
The Millard School (22.7 miles)332 River Bend Rd, Louisa, KY - 41230-1407
3655 Teays Valley Rd, Hurricane, WV - 25526-9701
Franklin Furnace Christian Academy (27.2 miles)100 Seneak Ave, Franklin Furnace, OH - 45629-8803
Carter Christian Academy (27.7 miles)3547 Hwy 773, Hitchins, KY - 41146-8935
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- Preschools (14)
- Elementary Schools (15)
- Middle Schools (10)
- High Schools (9)
- Public Schools (19)
- Private Schools (6)
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