High Schools in Hillsboro, OR
There's 8 high schools found in Hillsboro, OR. This is 22% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Hillsboro schools on this page to choose from.
Hillsboro Map with High Schools
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List of Hillsboro High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Hillsboro. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
10740 Ne Walker Rd, Hillsboro, OR - 97006-7050
2000 Se Century Blvd, Hillsboro, OR - 97123-8390
8975 Ne Walker Rd Ste 120, Hillsboro, OR - 97006-7029
2700 Nw Glencoe Rd, Hillsboro, OR - 97124-1518
3285 Se Rood Bridge Rd, Hillsboro, OR - 97123-8654
452 Ne 3rd Ave, Hillsboro, OR - 97124-3123
7445 Ne Wagon Dr, Hillsboro, OR - 97124-8633
5825 Ne Ray Cir, Hillsboro, OR - 97124-6436
Other High Schools Nearby
The following high schools are located nearby Hillsboro.
4200 Nw 185th Ave, Portland, OR - 97229-3050
Life Christian School (4.1 miles)5585 Sw 209th Ave, Aloha, OR - 97078-1081
Valor Christian School International (4.3 miles)3350 Sw 182nd Ave, Beaverton, OR - 97003
18550 Sw Kinnaman Rd, Beaverton, OR - 97007-2465
1841 Sw Merlo Dr, Beaverton, OR - 97006-5013
International School of Beaverton (4.7 miles)17770 Sw Blanton St, Beaverton, OR - 97078
13840 Nw Cornell Rd, Portland, OR - 97229-5403
Flex Online School (5.7 miles)13845 Nw Science Park Dr, Portland, OR - 97229-5436
Valley Catholic High School (6 miles)4275 Sw 148th Ave, Beaverton, OR - 97078-2773
13000 Sw Second St, Beaverton, OR - 97005-2615
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Find in Hillsboro
Schools of Hillsboro are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Hillsboro schools of that type.
- Preschools (6)
- Elementary Schools (27)
- Middle Schools (13)
- High Schools (8)
- Public Schools (30)
- Private Schools (6)
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