Private Schools in Highland, CA
There's 1 private school found in Highland, CA. This is 6% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Highland schools on this page to choose from.
Highland Map with Private Schools
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List of Highland Private Schools
There is only one private school listed in Highland. Click on the private school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
27487 Baseline St, Highland, CA - 92346-3206
Other Private Schools Nearby
The following private schools are located nearby Highland.
Redlands Christian School (3.2 miles)1145 Church St, Redlands, CA - 92374-3553
Packinghouse Christian Academy (3.5 miles)9700 Alabama St, Redlands, CA - 92374-2033
201 N University St, Redlands, CA - 92374-3790
Phase3 Lab School (4.2 miles)1 E Olive Ave, Redlands, CA - 92373-5247
Sacred Heart Academy (4.3 miles)215 S Eureka St, Redlands, CA - 92373-5112
105 Tennessee St, Redlands, CA - 92373-5437
Redlands Adventist Academy (4.6 miles)130 Tennessee St, Redlands, CA - 92373-4439
Benchmark Transtions (4.8 miles)1971 Essex Ct, Redlands, CA - 92373
2772 Sterling Avenue, San Bernardino, CA - 92404
Montessori in Redlands (5.1 miles)1890 Orange Ave, Redlands, CA - 92373-4300
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Find in Highland
Schools of Highland are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Highland schools of that type.
- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (12)
- Middle Schools (5)
- High Schools (3)
- Public Schools (16)
- Private Schools (1)
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