Middle Schools in Hialeah, FL
There's 42 middle schools found in Hialeah, FL. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Hialeah schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Hialeah Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Hialeah. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific middle schools from the list.
7590 Nw 186th St Ste 108, Hialeah, FL - 33015
5888 W 20th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33016-2656
1306 W 49th St, Hialeah, FL - 33012-3218
5559 Palm Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33012-2799
1851 Palm Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33010-4188
1927 W 68th St, Hialeah, FL - 33014
7031 W 14th Ct, Hialeah, FL - 33014-4519
2590 West 76th St, Hialeah, FL - 33016-6888
6601 Nw 167th St, Hialeah, FL - 33015-4299
7330 West 32nd Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33018-5211
369 East 10th St, Hialeah, FL - 33010-4131
293 Hialeah Dr, Hialeah, FL - 33010-5294
531 West 29th St, Hialeah, FL - 33012-5711
6027 East 7th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33013-1127
5855 Nw 171st St, Hialeah, FL - 33015
795 W 68th St, Hialeah, FL - 33014-4814
651 West 20 St Hialeah, Hialeah, FL - 33010
125 W 45th St, Hialeah, FL - 33012-4099
5701 W 24th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33016
8190 Nw 197th St, Hialeah, FL - 33015-6369
1750 E 4th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33010
3500 W 84th St, Hialeah, FL - 33018
6020 West 16th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33012-6214
1395 E 4th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33010-3525
7700 Northwest 98th Street, Hialeah, FL - 33016
17300 Nw 87th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33015-3516
9010 Nw 178th Ln, Hialeah, FL - 33018-6548
14250 Nw 67th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33014-2940
6425 Miami Lakeway North, Hialeah, FL - 33014-6643
8445 Nw 186th St, Hialeah, FL - 33015-2556
4203 W 16th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33012-7631
1900 W 44th Pl, Hialeah, FL - 33012-7486
6600 Miami Lakeway N, Hialeah, FL - 33014-5584
6600 Miami Lakeway N, Hialeah, FL - 33014-5584
1025 W 56th St, Hialeah, FL - 33012
1174 West 70 Place, Hialeah, FL - 33014
18305 Nw 75th Pl, Hialeah, FL - 33015
479 E 4th St, Hialeah, FL - 33010-5000
440 E 13th St, Hialeah, FL - 33010
1498 W 84th St, Hialeah, FL - 33014-3363
8435 W 36th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33018
7700 West 20th Ave, Hialeah, FL - 33016-1859
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Find in Hialeah
Schools of Hialeah are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Hialeah schools of that type.
- Preschools (85)
- Elementary Schools (108)
- Middle Schools (42)
- High Schools (26)
- Public Schools (45)
- Private Schools (83)
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