Public Schools in Herkimer, NY
There's 3 public schools found in Herkimer, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Herkimer schools on this page to choose from.
Herkimer Map with Public Schools
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List of Herkimer Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Herkimer. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
255 Gros Blvd, Herkimer, NY - 13350-1494
801 W German St, Herkimer, NY - 13350-2199
352 Gros Blvd, Herkimer, NY - 13350
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Herkimer.
Gregory B Jarvis Middle School (1.6 miles)28 Grove St, Mohawk, NY - 13407-1293
Harry M Fisher Elementary School (1.8 miles)10 Fisher Ave, Mohawk, NY - 13407-1598
Central Valley Academy (2.7 miles)111 Frederick St, Ilion, NY - 13357-0480
Barringer Road Elementary School (3.5 miles)326 Barringer Rd, Ilion, NY - 13357-4308
Frankfort-schuyler Elementary School (3.9 miles)610 Reese Rd, Frankfort, NY - 13340-1310
605 Palmer St, Frankfort, NY - 13340-1310
605 Palmer St, Frankfort, NY - 13340-1310
Little Falls High School (6.5 miles)1 High School Rd, Little Falls, NY - 13365-9399
Little Falls Middle School (6.5 miles)1 High School Rd, Little Falls, NY - 13365-9399
Benton Hall Academy (7.3 miles)1 Ward Sq, Little Falls, NY - 13365-1610
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Find in Herkimer
Schools of Herkimer are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Herkimer schools of that type.
- Preschools (2)
- Elementary Schools (3)
- Middle Schools (2)
- High Schools (2)
- Public Schools (3)
- Private Schools (1)
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