High Schools in Greenville, SC
There's 25 high schools found in Greenville, SC. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Greenville schools on this page to choose from.
Greenville Map with High Schools
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List of Greenville High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Greenville. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific high schools from the list.
630 Farrs Bridge Rd , Greenville, SC - 29617
201 Burdine Dr, Greenville, SC - 29617-2110
1700 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville, SC - 29614-1000
2725 Anderson Rd, Greenville, SC - 29611-5942
245 Cavalier Dr, Greenville, SC - 29607-4265
330 Pelham Road Suite 101a, Greenville, SC - 29615
100 Vocational Dr, Greenville, SC - 29605-5499
108 Scalybark Rd, Greenville, SC - 29617-7341
829 Garlington Rd, Greenville, SC - 29615-5440
1120 East Butler Road, Greenville, SC - 29607
1440 Pelham Street, Greenville, SC - 29615
1 Vardy Street, Greenville, SC - 29601
506 South Pleasantburg Drive #Building 119, Greenville, SC - 29607
875 State Park Rd, Greenville, SC - 29609-2905
160 Fairforest Way, Greenville, SC - 29607
900 Woodside Avenue, Greenville, SC - 29611
2000 Wade Hampton Boulevard, Greenville, SC - 29615
2 James Dr, Greenville, SC - 29605-2209
145 Hood Road, Greenville, SC - 29611
15 University Street, Greenville, SC - 29601
6630 Frontage At White Horse Road, Greenville, SC - 29605
100 Saint Josephs Dr, Greenville, SC - 29607-3795
3931 White Horse Road, Greenville, SC - 29611
100 Pine Knoll Dr, Greenville, SC - 29609-3236
2 Betty Spencer Dr, Greenville, SC - 29607-4581
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Find in Greenville
Schools of Greenville are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Greenville schools of that type.
- Preschools (38)
- Elementary Schools (54)
- Middle Schools (32)
- High Schools (25)
- Public Schools (55)
- Private Schools (26)
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