Public Schools in Green Bay, WI
There's 60 public schools found in Green Bay, WI. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Green Bay schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Green Bay Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Green Bay. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Green Bay. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
622 Eliza St, Green Bay, WI - 54301-3229
2391 South Ridge Rd, Green Bay, WI - 54304-5093
539 Laverne Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54311-5720
2710 Lineville Road, Green Bay, WI - 54313
200 South Broadway, Green Bay, WI - 54303
1217 Cardinal Ln, Green Bay, WI - 54313-7110
1505 Gatewood St, Green Bay, WI - 54304-3375
3030 Curry Ln, Green Bay, WI - 54311
205 N Fisk St, Green Bay, WI - 54303-3199
2280 S Broadway, Green Bay, WI - 54304-4830
2130 Basten St, Green Bay, WI - 54302-5398
525 Longview Ave, Green Bay, WI - 54301-1199
325 N Roosevelt St, Green Bay, WI - 54301-4731
1415 E Walnut St, Green Bay, WI - 54301-4399
442 Alpine Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54302-5199
1770 Amy St, Green Bay, WI - 54302-3199
615 Ethel Ave, Green Bay, WI - 54303-3996
1935 Cardinal Ln, Green Bay, WI - 54313-7740
520 Dousman St, Green Bay, WI - 54303-2794
1233 Lore Ln, Green Bay, WI - 54303
200 S Broadway, Green Bay, WI - 54303-1516
2833 Riverside Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54307
1150 Bellevue Street, Green Bay, WI - 54302
2706 Lineville Rd, Green Bay, WI - 54313-7151
631 W Idlewild Ct, Green Bay, WI - 54303-6598
525 S Madison St, Green Bay, WI - 54301-4103
1306 S Ridge Rd, Green Bay, WI - 54304-3298
905 Harrison St, Green Bay, WI - 54303-3539
701 Cherry Street, Green Bay, WI - 54301
105 S Buchanan St, Green Bay, WI - 54303
1806 Bond St, Green Bay, WI - 54303-4604
1754 Ninth St, Green Bay, WI - 54304-2898
1601 Dancing Dunes Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54313-4310
400 Broadview Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54301-2896
2007 County Road U, Green Bay, WI - 54313-4412
139 S Monroe Ave, Green Bay, WI - 54301
105 S Buchanan St, Green Bay, WI - 54303-1998
2700 Lineville Rd, Green Bay, WI - 54313-7151
1520 S Point Rd, Green Bay, WI - 54313-5497
1331 Hobart Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54304-1499
626 Pinehurst Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54302-4299
2071 Emerald Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54311-5013
720 Hillcrest Hts, Green Bay, WI - 54313-6918
360 Ams Ct, Green Bay, WI - 54313
1309 Elm St, Green Bay, WI - 54302-1304
701 Cherry St, Green Bay, WI - 54301-4932
955 Willard Dr, Green Bay, WI - 54304-5092
1360 Ponderosa Ave, Green Bay, WI - 54313-5977
2222 Deckner Ave, Green Bay, WI - 54302-4407
2765 Sussex St, Green Bay, WI - 54311
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Find in Green Bay
Schools of Green Bay are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Green Bay schools of that type.
- Preschools (56)
- Elementary Schools (62)
- Middle Schools (37)
- High Schools (22)
- Public Schools (60)
- Private Schools (24)
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