Public Schools in Glen Spey, NY
There's 1 public school found in Glen Spey, NY. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Glen Spey schools on this page to choose from.
Glen Spey Map with Public Schools
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List of Glen Spey Public Schools
There is only one public school listed in Glen Spey. Click on the public school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
1045 Proctor Rd, Glen Spey, NY - 12737-0249
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Glen Spey.
600Route 55, Eldred, NY - 12732-0249
Shohola Elementary School (8.2 miles)940 Twin Lakes Road, Shohola, PA - 18458
252 Route 6 And 209, Milford, PA - 18337-9454
Delaware Valley Middle School (9.7 miles)258 Route 6 And 209, Milford, PA - 18337-9454
10Route 209, Port Jervis, NY - 12771-1394
Delaware Valley Elementary School (9.9 miles)244 Route 6 And 209, Milford, PA - 18337-9454
Port Jervis Senior High School (9.9 miles)10 Rt 209, Port Jervis, NY - 12771-1395
Port Jervis Middle School (10.1 miles)10 Rte 209, Port Jervis, NY - 12771-2194
N a Hamilton Bicentennial School (11.2 miles)929 Rt 209, Cuddebackville, NY - 12729-5023
Monticello High School (12.8 miles)39 Breakey Ave, Monticello, NY - 12701
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Find in Glen Spey
Schools of Glen Spey are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Glen Spey schools of that type.
- Preschools (2)
- Elementary Schools (2)
- Middle Schools (1)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (1)
- Private Schools (1)
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