Preschools in Fargo, ND
There's 7 preschools found in Fargo, ND. This is 21% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Fargo schools on this page to choose from.
Fargo Map with Preschools
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List of Fargo Preschools
Following is the list of all preschools found in Fargo. The preschools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
1305 9th Ave S, Fargo, ND - 58103
1025 14th Ave S, Fargo, ND - 58103-4187
1441 8th St N, Fargo, ND - 58102-2698
1825 11th St S, Fargo, ND - 58103-4915
2720 32nd Ave S, Fargo, ND - 58103-5024
124 N Ter N, Fargo, ND - 58102-3818
5600 25th St S, Fargo, ND - 58104-7123
Other Preschools Nearby
The following preschools are located nearby Fargo.
St Joseph Elementary School (3.1 miles)1005 2nd Ave S, Moorhead, MN - 56560-2900
330 3rd Ave East, West Fargo, ND - 58078-1800
Trinity Elementary School (3.3 miles)2811 7 St E, West Fargo, ND - 58078
Probstfield Center for Education (3.6 miles)2410 14th St S, Moorhead, MN - 56560-8888
Dilworth Elementary School (6 miles)108 N Main, Dilworth, MN - 56529-0188
Mapleton Elementary School (10.6 miles)300 1st St, Mapleton, ND - 58059
Glyndon-felton Elementary School (11.7 miles)513 Parke Ave S, Glyndon, MN - 56547-8888
Kindred Elementary School (17.3 miles)55 1st Ave S, Kindred, ND - 58051
Central Cass Elementary School (18.2 miles)802 5th St North, Casselton, ND - 58012-3346
Northern Cass Elementary School (23.8 miles)16021 18th St Se, Hunter, ND - 58048
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Find in Fargo
Schools of Fargo are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Fargo schools of that type.
- Preschools (7)
- Elementary Schools (25)
- Middle Schools (7)
- High Schools (6)
- Public Schools (26)
- Private Schools (8)
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