Middle Schools in Fallbrook, CA
There's 4 middle schools found in Fallbrook, CA. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Fallbrook schools on this page to choose from.
Fallbrook Map with Middle Schools
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List of Fallbrook Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Fallbrook. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
300 Heald Ln., Fallbrook, CA - 92028-2108
1743 Reche Rd., Fallbrook, CA - 92028-2108
400 W. Elder St., Fallbrook, CA - 92028-2108
450 S Stage Coach Ln, Fallbrook, CA - 92028-2498
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Fallbrook.
5211 Fifth St, Rainbow, CA - 92028-9795
Mary Fay Pendleton Elementary School (5.9 miles)110 Marine Dr., Oceanside, CA - 92058-8234
Norman L Sullivan Middle School (6 miles)7350 W. Lilac Rd., Bonsall, CA - 92003-5112
Jcs - Pine Hills (8.8 miles)29141 Vallejo Ave., Temecula, CA - 92592-2319
29851 Santiago Rd, Temecula, CA - 92592-3004
45125 Vía Del Coronado, Temecula, CA - 92592
Elite Academic Academy - Lucerne (9.3 miles)43414 Business Park Dr., Temecula, CA - 92590-5526
Elite Academic Academy - Mountain Empire (9.3 miles)43414 Business Park Dr., Temecula, CA - 92590-5526
Rancho Christian School (9.4 miles)31300 Rancho Community Way, Temecula, CA - 92592-2805
Cesar Chavez Middle School (10.2 miles)202 Oleander Dr., Oceanside, CA - 92057-6122
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Find in Fallbrook
Schools of Fallbrook are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Fallbrook schools of that type.
- Preschools (2)
- Elementary Schools (9)
- Middle Schools (4)
- High Schools (3)
- Public Schools (11)
- Private Schools (2)
Find Middle Schools in California
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