Public Schools in Endwell, NY
There's 3 public schools found in Endwell, NY.
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List of Endwell Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Endwell. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
3618 Briar Ln, Endwell, NY - 13760-2499
1119 Farm-to-market Rd, Endwell, NY - 13760-1197
750 Farm-to-market Rd, Endwell, NY - 13760-1198
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Endwell.
George F Johnson Elementary School (1 miles)999 Taft Ave, Endicott, NY - 13760
1200 East Main St, Endicott, NY - 13760-5271
600 South Benita Blvd, Vestal, NY - 13850-2698
Linnaeus W West School (2.5 miles)1201 Union Center Main Hwy, Endicott, NY - 13760
600 South Benita Blvd, Vestal, NY - 13850-2698
Jennie F Snapp Middle School (2.6 miles)101 Loder Ave, Endicott, NY - 13760-4899
Ann G Mcguinness Elementar School (2.7 miles)1301 Union Center Main Hwy, Endicott, NY - 13760-1334
205 Woodlawn Dr, Vestal, NY - 13850-2491
Clayton Avenue Elementary School (2.9 miles)209 Clayton Ave, Vestal, NY - 13850-2492
Johnson City Senior High School (2.9 miles)666 Reynolds Rd, Johnson City, NY - 13790-1398
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- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Middle Schools (1)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (3)
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