Public Schools in Edmond, OK
There's 37 public schools found in Edmond, OK. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Edmond schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Edmond Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Edmond. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
4653 N W 206th Street, Edmond, OK - 73012-3012
16060 North May Ave, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
4400 North Coltrane, Edmond, OK - 73034-3034
500 East Ninth Street, Edmond, OK - 73034-3034
1701 Northwest 150th St, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
1271 West Covell Road, Edmond, OK - 73003-3003
2300 Southeast 33rd St, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
3701 South Bryant Ave, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
601 South Jackson Street, Edmond, OK - 73034-3034
4800 North Kelly Avenue, Edmond, OK - 73025-3025
4704 North West 164th St, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
6101 Northwest 206th St, Edmond, OK - 73012-3012
21175 North Macarthur, Edmond, OK - 73012-3012
2601 Nw 234th St, Edmond, OK - 73012-3012
1955 W 33rd Street Suite 100, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
1955 W 33rd Street Suite 100, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
4901 Explorer Dr, Edmond, OK - 73003-3003
3500 Northwest 192nd Street, Edmond, OK - 73012-3012
4900 Explorer Dr, Edmond, OK - 73003-3003
400 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Edmond, OK - 73034-3034
501 West Hurd Street, Edmond, OK - 73003-3003
1901 Thomas Drive, Edmond, OK - 73003-3003
1000 East 15th Street, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
215 West Danforth Road, Edmond, OK - 73003-3003
901 East Wayne Street, Edmond, OK - 73034-3034
5701 E Hefner Road, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
2801 South Rankin Street, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
22522 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Edmond, OK - 73025-3025
5100 Northwest 220th Street, Edmond, OK - 73025-3025
19 North Boulevard, Edmond, OK - 73003-3003
1901 West 15th Street, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
1125 East Danforth Road, Edmond, OK - 73034-3034
1703 Northwest 150th Street, Edmond, OK - 73013-3013
400 West Eighth St, Edmond, OK - 73003-3003
18101 North Western Avenue, Edmond, OK - 73012-3012
17601 North Pennsylvania, Edmond, OK - 73012-3012
1215 East Ninth St, Edmond, OK - 73034-3034
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Find in Edmond
Schools of Edmond are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Edmond schools of that type.
- Preschools (30)
- Elementary Schools (31)
- Middle Schools (15)
- High Schools (8)
- Public Schools (37)
- Private Schools (8)
Find Public Schools in Oklahoma
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