Public Schools in East Prospect, PA
There's 1 public school found in East Prospect, PA.
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List of East Prospect Public Schools
There is only one public school listed in East Prospect. Click on the public school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
100 Abels Rd, East Prospect, PA - 17317-0118
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby East Prospect.
Eastern York Middle School (1.9 miles)746 Cool Creek Rd, Wrightsville, PA - 17368
Eastern York High School (2.1 miles)720 Cool Creek Rd, Wrightsville, PA - 17368
320 Chestnut St, Wrightsville, PA - 17368-1521
Park Elementary School (4.3 miles)50 S 6th St, Columbia, PA - 17512
Columbia Middle School (4.9 miles)45 N 9th St, Columbia, PA - 17512-1307
2110 Windsor Road, Windsor, PA - 17366
901 Ironville Pk, Columbia, PA - 17512-9513
Kreutz Creek Elementary School (5.3 miles)50 North Lee Street, Hellam, PA - 17406
Locust Grove Elementary School (5.3 miles)3620 E Prospect Rd, York, PA - 17402-7809
3717 Blue Rock Rd, Washington Boro, PA - 17582-9631
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- Elementary Schools (1)
- Public Schools (1)
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