Public Schools in East Norwich, NY
There's 1 public school found in East Norwich, NY. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of East Norwich schools on this page to choose from.
East Norwich Map with Public Schools
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List of East Norwich Public Schools
There is only one public school listed in East Norwich. Click on the public school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
880 Oyster Bay Rd, East Norwich, NY - 11732-1098
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby East Norwich.
Oyster Bay High School (1.4 miles)150 E Main St, Oyster Bay, NY - 11771-2496
Oyster Bay Middle School (1.4 miles)150 E Main St, Oyster Bay, NY - 11771
Theodore Roosevelt School (1.7 miles)150 West Main St, Oyster Bay, NY - 11771-2250
Berry Hill Elementary School (2.2 miles)181 Cold Spring Rd, Syosset, NY - 11791-2298
South Woods Middle School (2.6 miles)99 Pell Ln, Syosset, NY - 11791-2998
90 Convent Rd, Syosset, NY - 11791-3842
70 South Woods Rd, Syosset, NY - 11791-3200
West Side School (2.8 miles)1597 Laurel Hollow Rd, Syosset, NY - 11791-9636
PS 256 (2.9 miles)525 Convent Rd, Syosset, NY - 11791
Robbins Lane Elementary School (3.3 miles)157 Robbins Ln, Syosset, NY - 11791-6003
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Find in East Norwich
Schools of East Norwich are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find East Norwich schools of that type.
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Middle Schools (2)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (1)
- Private Schools (1)
Find Public Schools in New York
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