Public Schools in Durham, NC
There's 71 public schools found in Durham, NC. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Durham schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Durham Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Durham. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Durham. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
2009 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC - 27703-5705
1001 Leon St, Durham, NC - 27704-4133
1500 Mathison Ave, Durham, NC - 27701-4500
1531 South Roxboro Rd, Durham, NC - 27707-2359
6806 Garrett Rd, Durham, NC - 27707-5699
724 Foster Street, Durham, NC - 27701
200 Wisteria Avenue, Durham, NC - 27704
400 West Club Blvd, Durham, NC - 27704-4118
1955 West Cornwallis Road, Durham, NC - 27705
5321 Ephesus Church Road, Durham, NC - 27707
1305 W. Club Blvd., Durham, NC - 27705
Dumc Room 3605, Durham, NC - 27710
807 West Chapel Hill Street, Durham, NC - 27701
3727 Fayetteville St, Durham, NC - 27707
401 North Duke St, Durham, NC - 27701-2048
401 North Driver Street, Durham, NC - 27703
913 9th St, Durham, NC - 27705-4104
302 Lebanon Circle, Durham, NC - 27712-2644
610 North Alston Avenue, Durham, NC - 27701
117 Milton Road, Durham, NC - 27712-2221
4100 N Roxboro Street, Durham, NC - 27704-2122
2905 Fayetteville Street, Durham, NC - 27707-4133
3007 Mount Sinai Rd, Durham, NC - 27705-7906
227 Milton Road, Durham, NC - 27712-2223
700 Watts Street, Durham, NC - 27701-1726
2415 E Geer Street, Durham, NC - 27704-3717
311 Dowd St, Durham, NC - 27701
2730 Hillandale Road, Durham, NC - 27705-2076
3727 Fayetteville St, Durham, NC - 27707
4019 Holt School Road, Durham, NC - 27704-1739
401 North Driver St, Durham, NC - 27703
3005 Dixon Road, Durham, NC - 27707
5321 Ephesus Church Rd., Durham, NC - 27707
1801 Fayetteville Street, Durham, NC - 27707
2401 Dakota Street, Durham, NC - 27707-4215
4700 South Alston Ave., Durham, NC - 27713
1107 Holloway Street, Durham, NC - 27701
3507 Dearborn Drive, Durham, NC - 27704
2520 Vesson Avenue, Durham, NC - 27707-1437
2119 Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC - 27707
2315 Snow Hill Road, Durham, NC - 27712-3668
4418 S Alston Avenue, Durham, NC - 27713-2222
923 Snow Hill Road, Durham, NC - 27704
906 Scott King Rd, Durham, NC - 27713
107 South Driver Street, Durham, NC - 27703
2325 Cheek Road, Durham, NC - 27704-5203
1637 Lawson Street, Durham, NC - 27703
909 Cobb Street, Durham, NC - 27707-1315
4220 Nc Highway 55, Durham, NC - 27713
201 Baptist Road, Durham, NC - 27704-8570
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Find in Durham
Schools of Durham are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Durham schools of that type.
- Preschools (40)
- Elementary Schools (75)
- Middle Schools (49)
- High Schools (34)
- Public Schools (71)
- Private Schools (30)
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