Public Schools in Detroit, MI - Page 4
There's 188 public schools found in Detroit, MI. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Detroit schools on this page to choose from.
Detroit Map with Public Schools
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List of Detroit Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Detroit. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 151 to 188. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Detroit. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
17101 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI - 48235-3942
15865 East Seven Mile Road, Detroit, MI - 48205
6565 West Outer Dr, Detroit, MI - 48235-2723
1551 Beard St, Detroit, MI - 48209-2073
11530 East Outer Dr, Detroit, MI - 48224
16411 Curtis St, Detroit, MI - 48235-3202
4700 Tireman St, Detroit, MI - 48204-4243
10700 Santa Maria St, Detroit, MI - 48221-2334
3030 Fairview Street, Detroit, MI - 48214-2294
3700 Beaubien St, Detroit, MI - 48201-2118
7600 Goethe St, Detroit, MI - 48214-1762
8425 W Mcnichols Rd, Detroit, MI - 48221-2546
7724 14th St, Detroit, MI - 48206-2644
15531 Linwood St, Detroit, MI - 48238-1465
13700 Bringard Dr, Detroit, MI - 48205-1156
18501 Waltham St, Detroit, MI - 48205-2662
4612 Lonyo St, Detroit, MI - 48210-2105
435 Amsterdam St, Detroit, MI - 48202-3407
957 Holden St, Detroit, MI - 48202-3443
600 Antoinette St, Detroit, MI - 48202-3457
5310 Saint Antoine St, Detroit, MI - 48202-4131
10225 3rd St, Detroit, MI - 48202
485 W Milwaukee St, Detroit, MI - 48202-3220
2251 Antietam Ave, Detroit, MI - 48207-3879
2664 Franklin Street, Detroit, MI - 48207
5100 John R Street, Detroit, MI - 48202
14669 Curtis Street, Detroit, MI - 48235
13726 Pembroke Ave, Detroit, MI - 48235-1519
4321 Military St, Detroit, MI - 48210-2451
4366 Military St, Detroit, MI - 48210-2452
19400 Sawyer St, Detroit, MI - 48228-3330
19321 West Chicago St, Detroit, MI - 48228-1739
8701 West Vernor Highway, Detroit, MI - 48209-1434
407 E Fort St, Detroit, MI - 48226-2957
10633 Courville St, Detroit, MI - 48224-2403
4701 Mckinley, Detroit, MI - 48208
1500 Scotten St, Detroit, MI - 48209-2139
22930 Chippewa St, Detroit, MI - 48219-1161
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Find in Detroit
Schools of Detroit are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Detroit schools of that type.
- Preschools (94)
- Elementary Schools (147)
- Middle Schools (131)
- High Schools (66)
- Public Schools (188)
- Private Schools (16)
Find Public Schools in Michigan
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