Public Schools in Derby, NY
There's 1 public school found in Derby, NY.
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List of Derby Public Schools
There is only one public school listed in Derby. Click on the public school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
6745 Erie Rd, Derby, NY - 14047-9698
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Derby.
Pinehurst Elementary School (3.2 miles)6050 Fairway Ct, Lake View, NY - 14085-9722
Lake Shore Senior High School (3.9 miles)959 Beach Rd, Angola, NY - 14006-9782
Erie 2-chautauqua-cattaraugus Boces (4.1 miles)8685 Erie Rd, Angola, NY - 14006-9620
John T Waugh Elementary School (4.1 miles)100 High St, Angola, NY - 14006-1300
William G Houston Middle School (4.2 miles)8855 Erie Rd, Angola, NY - 14006-9624
Eden Elementary School (4.8 miles)8289 North Main St, Eden, NY - 14057-0267
G L Priess Primary School (5 miles)3000 Schoolview Rd, Eden, NY - 14057-0267
3150 Schoolview Rd, Eden, NY - 14057-0267
Frontier Middle School (5.5 miles)2751 Amsdell Rd, Hamburg, NY - 14075-5899
Cloverbank Elementary School (6 miles)2761 Cloverbank Rd, Hamburg, NY - 14075-5599
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- Elementary Schools (1)
- Public Schools (1)
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