Middle Schools in DeFuniak Springs, FL
There's 9 middle schools found in DeFuniak Springs, FL. This is about half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of DeFuniak Springs schools on this page to choose from.
DeFuniak Springs Map with Middle Schools
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List of DeFuniak Springs Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in DeFuniak Springs. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
2044 State Highway 83, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32433-3980
389 Dorsey Ave, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32435-3013
691 Institution Rd, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32433-1850
555 Walton Rd, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32433
286 Gene Hurley Rd, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32435-4737
625 Park Ave, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32435-2601
145 S Park St, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32435
145 S Park St, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32435-2909
145 S Park St, DeFuniak Springs, FL - 32435
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby DeFuniak Springs.
Ponce De Leon High School (9.7 miles)1477 Ammons Rd, Ponce de Leon, FL - 32455
360 Kylea Laird Dr, Freeport, FL - 32439-4014
Westonwood Ranch (15.2 miles)4390 State Highway 20 W, Freeport, FL - 32439
Caryville Christian Academy (19.4 miles)4468 Lake Cir Dr, Caryville, FL - 32427-2106
Paxton School (21.1 miles)21893 Us Highway 331 N, Paxton, FL - 32538
101 Eaden Gardens Road, Santa Rosa Beach, FL - 32459
Florala High School (23.8 miles)22114 Begonia St, Florala, AL - 36442-0218
4448 Straight Line Rd, Crestview, FL - 32539-6719
Adjudicated Youth Facility (24 miles)4448 Straight Line Rd, Crestview, FL - 32539
Crestview Youth Academy (non Secure) (24 miles)4449 Straight Line Rd, Crestview, FL - 32539-6720
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Find in DeFuniak Springs
Schools of DeFuniak Springs are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find DeFuniak Springs schools of that type.
- Preschools (2)
- Elementary Schools (9)
- Middle Schools (9)
- High Schools (10)
- Public Schools (13)
- Private Schools (2)
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