High Schools in Dayton, OH
There's 31 high schools found in Dayton, OH. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Dayton schools on this page to choose from.
Dayton Map with High Schools
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List of Dayton High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Dayton. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific high schools from the list.
2615 Wayne Ave, Dayton, OH - 45420-1833
4524 Linden Ave, Dayton, OH - 45432-3067
505 S Ludlow St, Dayton, OH - 45402-2694
741 Washington St, Dayton, OH - 45402-8446
1675 Woodman Dr, Dayton, OH - 45432-1825
348 West 1st St, Dayton, OH - 45402-3006
401 E 3rd St, Dayton, OH - 45402-2116
354 Mound St, Dayton, OH - 45402-5806
1529 Brown St, Dayton, OH - 45469-0001
925 N Main St, Dayton, OH - 45405-4634
1400 Albritton Dr, Dayton, OH - 45408-2480
999 Spinning Rd, Dayton, OH - 45431-2847
1721 N Main St, Dayton, OH - 45405-4143
615 Shiloh Dr, Dayton, OH - 45415
250 Shoup Mill Rd, Dayton, OH - 45415-3517
2701 S Union Rd, Dayton, OH - 45417-5537
140 N Keowee St, Dayton, OH - 45402-1373
1801 Harshman Rd, Dayton, OH - 45424-5019
3873 Whitestone Ct, Dayton, OH - 45416-2260
1133 S Edwin C Moses Blvd, Dayton, OH - 45408-2094
354 Mound St, Dayton, OH - 45402-8325
593 Infirmary Rd, Dayton, OH - 45417-8749
2011 Timber Ln, Dayton, OH - 45414-4532
1200 Far Hills Ave, Dayton, OH - 45419-3118
1900 Harshman Rd, Dayton, OH - 45424-5022
1313 E 5th St, Dayton, OH - 45402-2222
1407 East 3rd St, Dayton, OH - 45403-1818
1617 Ohmer Street, Dayton, OH - 45410
4411 Oakridge Dr, Dayton, OH - 45417-1144
5151 Denise Dr, Dayton, OH - 45429-1999
4447 Hoover Ave, Dayton, OH - 45417-1117
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Find in Dayton
Schools of Dayton are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Dayton schools of that type.
- Preschools (30)
- Elementary Schools (64)
- Middle Schools (38)
- High Schools (31)
- Public Schools (78)
- Private Schools (20)
Find High Schools in Ohio
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