Elementary Schools in Dayton, OH
There's 57 elementary schools found in Dayton, OH. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Dayton schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Dayton Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Dayton. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Dayton. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
175 E Franklin St, Dayton, OH - 45459-5954
701 North Springboro Pk, Dayton, OH - 45449-3609
4401 Free Pk, Dayton, OH - 45416-1219
5555 Enright Ave, Dayton, OH - 45431-2270
6666 Springboro Pike, Dayton, OH - 45449-3414
1241 Blairwood Ave, Dayton, OH - 45417-6023
4350 Schwinn Dr, Dayton, OH - 45404-1341
4100 South Dixie Dr, Dayton, OH - 45439-2104
440 Shoup Mill Rd, Dayton, OH - 45415-3518
320 S Main St, Dayton, OH - 45402-2716
1102 Pursell Ave, Dayton, OH - 45420-1943
1416 West Riverview Ave, Dayton, OH - 45402-6217
601 South Keowee St, Dayton, OH - 45410-1168
200 Homewood Ave, Dayton, OH - 45405-4328
925 N Main St, Dayton, OH - 45405-4634
180 West Whipp Rd, Dayton, OH - 45459-1856
5767 Marshall Rd, Dayton, OH - 45429-6024
999 Spinning Rd, Dayton, OH - 45431-2847
1480 Edendale Rd, Dayton, OH - 45432-3634
228 North Broadway St, Dayton, OH - 45402-6610
501 Hickory St, Dayton, OH - 45410-1232
2314 Elsmere Ave, Dayton, OH - 45406-5729
7659 Mcewen Rd, Dayton, OH - 45459-3907
615 Shiloh Dr, Dayton, OH - 45415
735 Harman Ave, Dayton, OH - 45419-3850
305 Sugar Camp Cir, Dayton, OH - 45409-1968
715 Krebs Ave, Dayton, OH - 45419-4013
121 S Monmouth St, Dayton, OH - 45403-2127
4751 Sue Ann Blvd, Dayton, OH - 45415-1171
219 W Dorothy Ln, Dayton, OH - 45429-1450
1923 Gondert Ave, Dayton, OH - 45403-3440
1401 Leo St, Dayton, OH - 45404-1700
3650 Klepinger Rd, Dayton, OH - 45416-1919
1630 Miami Chapel Rd, Dayton, OH - 45408-2528
5656 Springboro Pike, Dayton, OH - 45449-2806
2745 S Smithville Rd, Dayton, OH - 45420-2668
401 Normandy Ridge Rd, Dayton, OH - 45459-3138
3901 Turner Rd, Dayton, OH - 45415-3654
2011 Timber Ln, Dayton, OH - 45414-3117
6200 Noranda Dr, Dayton, OH - 45415-2023
173 Avondale Dr, Dayton, OH - 45404-2123
545 Odlin Ave, Dayton, OH - 45405-5822
108 Linwood St, Dayton, OH - 45405-4912
4411 Oakridge Dr, Dayton, OH - 45417-1144
407 Ambrose Ct, Dayton, OH - 45410-1556
5800 Burkhardt Rd, Dayton, OH - 45431-2932
1701 Shafor Blvd, Dayton, OH - 45419-2511
3625 Little York Rd, Dayton, OH - 45414-2454
5001 Eastman Ave, Dayton, OH - 45432-1437
1824 Saint Charles Ave, Dayton, OH - 45410-2501
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Find in Dayton
Schools of Dayton are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Dayton schools of that type.
- Preschools (25)
- Elementary Schools (57)
- Middle Schools (31)
- High Schools (26)
- Public Schools (76)
- Private Schools (15)
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