Elementary Schools in Covington, OH
There's 1 elementary school found in Covington, OH. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Covington schools on this page to choose from.
Covington Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Covington Elementary Schools
There is only one elementary school listed in Covington. Click on the elementary school name bellow to find detailed information on it.
807 Chestnut St, Covington, OH - 45318-1760
Other Elementary Schools Nearby
The following elementary schools are located nearby Covington.
Newton Elementary School (4.4 miles)201 N Long St, Pleasant Hill, OH - 45359
740 Railroad Ave, Bradford, OH - 45308-8605
Washington Primary Elementary School (5.1 miles)800 N Sunset Dr, Piqua, OH - 45356-4440
Piqua Christian School (5.5 miles)830 Covington Ave, Piqua, OH - 45356-3209
Piqua Catholic School (6 miles)503 W N St, Piqua, OH - 45356-2117
Piqua Central Intermediate School (6 miles)807 Nicklin Ave, Piqua, OH - 45356-1713
218 S Downing St, Piqua, OH - 45356-3531
Concord Elementary School (7.1 miles)3145 State Route 718, Troy, OH - 45373-8908
Nicholas School (7.6 miles)1306 Garbry Rd, Piqua, OH - 45356-8219
Hook Elementary School (8 miles)729 Trade Sq W, Troy, OH - 45373-1248
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Find in Covington
Schools of Covington are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Covington schools of that type.
- Elementary Schools (1)
- Middle Schools (1)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (3)
Find Elementary Schools in Ohio
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