Elementary Schools in Columbia, SC
There's 74 elementary schools found in Columbia, SC. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Columbia schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Columbia Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Columbia. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Columbia. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
1508 Marchant Ave, Po Box 30054 245 Adam Rd, Columbia, SC - 29203-2046
333 Etiwan Ave, Columbia, SC - 29205-3307
726 Easter Street, Columbia, SC - 29203
7300 Patterson Rd, Columbia, SC - 29209-2634
1300 Ashley St, Columbia, SC - 29203-6032
7401 Monticello Rd, Columbia, SC - 29203-1513
500 Saint Andrews Rd, Columbia, SC - 29210
3032 Pinebelt Rd, Columbia, SC - 29204-2707
4438 Devereaux Rd, Columbia, SC - 29205-2136
2245 Montclair Drive, Columbia, SC - 29206
111 Garden Drive, Columbia, SC - 29204
7405-A Fairfield Road, Columbia, SC - 29203
1812 Barnwell Street, Columbia, SC - 29201
2100 Waverly Street, Columbia, SC - 29204
7725 Caughman Rd, Columbia, SC - 29209-4015
2729 Covenant Rd, Columbia, SC - 29204-2239
2015 Marion Street, Columbia, SC - 29201
3120 Covenant Rd, Columbia, SC - 29204-3607
5827 N Trenholm Rd, Columbia, SC - 29206-1603
3019 Farrow Rd, Columbia, SC - 29203-7001
2740 Alpine Road, Columbia, SC - 29223
200 Mcrae Street, Columbia, SC - 29203
5000 Broad River Rd, Columbia, SC - 29212-4024
2500 Blue Ridge Terrace, Columbia, SC - 29203
6801 Brookfield Rd, Columbia, SC - 29206-2205
1300 Arrowwood Drive, Columbia, SC - 29210
854 Galway Ln, Columbia, SC - 29209-2099
257 Crossbow Drive, Columbia, SC - 29212
3737 Covenant Rd, Columbia, SC - 29204-4217
3000 S Beltline Blvd, Columbia, SC - 29201-5199
4200 Main Street, Columbia, SC - 29203
6001 Weston Avenue, Columbia, SC - 29203
7150 Trenholm Road Extension, Columbia, SC - 29223
7500 Springcrest Drive, Columbia, SC - 29223
3390 Pinebelt Rd, Columbia, SC - 29204-3163
4205 Kilbourne Rd, Columbia, SC - 29206-4528
2621 Clemson Road, Columbia, SC - 29229
225 North Brickyard Road, Columbia, SC - 29223
8040 Hunt Club Road, Columbia, SC - 29223
312 Elders Pond Dr, Columbia, SC - 29229-7628
120 Piney Grove Road, Columbia, SC - 29210
815 Elmwood Avenue, Columbia, SC - 29201
525 Galway Lane, Columbia, SC - 29209
925 Universal Drive, Columbia, SC - 29209
2304 Kneece Rd, Columbia, SC - 29223-2213
1101 Balsam Rd, Columbia, SC - 29210-7914
411 S Maple St Bldg A, Columbia, SC - 29205-3879
1300 Clemson Road, Columbia, SC - 29229
6706 Nursery Road, Columbia, SC - 29212
6015 N Main Street, Columbia, SC - 29203
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Find in Columbia
Schools of Columbia are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Columbia schools of that type.
- Preschools (57)
- Elementary Schools (74)
- Middle Schools (33)
- High Schools (34)
- Public Schools (79)
- Private Schools (26)
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