Public Schools in Cobleskill, NY
There's 2 public schools found in Cobleskill, NY.
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List of Cobleskill Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Cobleskill. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
143 Golding Dr, Cobleskill, NY - 12043-1099
193 Golding Dr, Cobleskill, NY - 12043-1099
Other Public Schools Nearby
The following public schools are located nearby Cobleskill.
Cobleskill-richmondville High School (2.8 miles)1353 State Rt 7, Richmondville, NY - 12149
Joseph B Radez Elementary School (4.9 miles)319 Main St, Richmondville, NY - 12149-0499
Schoharie High School (9 miles)136 Academy Dr, Schoharie, NY - 12157-0430
Schoharie Elementary School (9.1 miles)136 Academy Dr, Schoharie, NY - 12157-0430
Middleburgh Junior/senior High School (9.6 miles)291 Main St, Middleburgh, NY - 12122
Middleburgh Elementary School (9.8 miles)245 Main St, Middleburgh, NY - 12122
Sharon Springs Central School (10.4 miles)514 St Rt 20, Sharon Springs, NY - 13459-0218
198 Main St, Worcester, NY - 12197-1900
Jefferson Central School (14.9 miles)1332 St Rt 10, Jefferson, NY - 12093-0039
Canajoharie Senior High School (15.5 miles)136 Scholastic Way, Canajoharie, NY - 13317-1197
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- Preschools (1)
- Elementary Schools (2)
- Middle Schools (1)
- High Schools (1)
- Public Schools (2)
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