Public Schools in Cleveland, OH - Page 2
There's 155 public schools found in Cleveland, OH. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Cleveland schools on this page to choose from.
Cleveland Map with Public Schools
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List of Cleveland Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Cleveland. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 51 to 100. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Cleveland. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
885 E 146th St, Cleveland, OH - 44110-3701
4129 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44103-1129
2439 East 55th St, Cleveland, OH - 44104-1501
17914 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44112-1222
3202 W 30th St, Cleveland, OH - 44109-1506
800 Linn Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44108-2755
3167 Fulton Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-1465
3800 W 140th St, Cleveland, OH - 44111-4972
4600 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44102-3286
4600 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44102-2215
3398 E 55th St, Cleveland, OH - 44127-2620
2200 E 55th St, Cleveland, OH - 44103-4406
655 E 162nd St, Cleveland, OH - 44110-2421
650 E 113th St, Cleveland, OH - 44108-2603
13442 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44111-3432
4901 Galaxy Pkwy Ste L, Cleveland, OH - 44128-2811
7901 Halle Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44102-4316
1401 Larchmont Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44110-2813
12000 Harvard Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44105-5444
2730 East 116th, Cleveland, OH - 44120-1130
4310 E 71st St, Cleveland, OH - 44105-5759
1441 W 116th St, Cleveland, OH - 44102-2301
6000 S Marginal Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44103-1042
6100 S Marginal Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44103-1043
1700 Denison Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44109-2925
13111 Crossburn Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44135-5017
11327 Shaker Blvd Ste 200 E., Cleveland, OH - 44104-3805
3122 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44115-2508
2373 E 30th St, Cleveland, OH - 44115-3081
3817 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44105-2846
15111 Miles Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44128-7050
3952 W 140th St, Cleveland, OH - 44111-4974
3952 W 140th St, Cleveland, OH - 44111-4974
3952 W 140th St, Cleveland, OH - 44111-4974
6601 Franklin Blvd, Cleveland, OH - 44102-2913
14311 Woodworth Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44112-1926
14405 Saint Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44110-3433
11650 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44102-2320
18025 Marcella Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44119-2615
1714 Lander Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44124-3346
3185 W 41st St, Cleveland, OH - 44109-1275
3202 W 30th St, Cleveland, OH - 44109
3202 W 30th Street, Cleveland, OH - 44109
3595 Bosworth Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44111-6036
10308 Baltic Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44102-1631
1701 Castle Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44113-5262
1468 W 98th St, Cleveland, OH - 44102-2616
3033 Central Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44115-3044
8200 Brookline Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44103-4214
11815 Moulton Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44106-1432
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Find in Cleveland
Schools of Cleveland are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Cleveland schools of that type.
- Preschools (78)
- Elementary Schools (131)
- Middle Schools (126)
- High Schools (73)
- Public Schools (155)
- Private Schools (28)
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