Private Schools in Cleveland, OH
There's 31 private schools found in Cleveland, OH. This is 17% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Cleveland schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Cleveland Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Cleveland. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific private schools from the list.
4600 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44135-3860
9183 Broadview Road, Cleveland, OH - 44147
2900 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44104-4802
6550 Baxter Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44105-1294
12510 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44106-1932
10427 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44102-1645
4260 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44135-2199
1975 Lyndway Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44121-4264
4464 Pearl Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-4224
4464 Pearl Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-4224
4419 Pearl Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-4210
1910 W 54th St, Cleveland, OH - 44102-3297
3644 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44111-3934
1355 W 70th St, Cleveland, OH - 44102-2019
4770 Lee Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44128-3764
640 Lakeview Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44108-1939
2345 E 83rd St, Cleveland, OH - 44104-2199
7206 Myron Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44103-1900
1911 W 30th St, Cleveland, OH - 44113-3401
15100 Lake Shore Blvd, Cleveland, OH - 44110-1297
1027 E 176th St, Cleveland, OH - 44119-3197
3470 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44111-2937
15724 Montrose Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44111
6202 Saint Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44103-1630
4600 State Road, Cleveland, OH - 44109-5243
3205 Fulton Rd 1, Cleveland, OH - 44109
6615 Forman Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44105-1403
9101 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44106-1062
3389 Fulton Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-1463
4909 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland, OH - 44102
25400 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland, OH - 44122-2256
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Find in Cleveland
Schools of Cleveland are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Cleveland schools of that type.
- Preschools (78)
- Elementary Schools (136)
- Middle Schools (134)
- High Schools (63)
- Public Schools (155)
- Private Schools (31)
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