Elementary Schools in Cleveland, OH
There's 136 elementary schools found in Cleveland, OH. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Cleveland schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Cleveland Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Cleveland. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Cleveland. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
18300 Woda, Cleveland, OH - 44122-6441
4600 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44135-3860
3900 E 75th St, Cleveland, OH - 44105-3800
5393 Quincy Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44104-1216
11801 Worthington Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44111-5064
3500 East 147th St, Cleveland, OH - 44120-4834
2955 East 71st St, Cleveland, OH - 44104-4101
16005 Terrace Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44112-2001
4315 West 140th St, Cleveland, OH - 44135-2128
9183 Broadview Road, Cleveland, OH - 44147
19114 Bella Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44119-3007
1905 Spring Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-4460
9803 Quebec Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44106-3519
3398 East 55th St, Cleveland, OH - 44127-1691
1600 Buhrer Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44109-1747
3000 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44115-2517
3213 Montclair Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44109-4121
13013 Corlett Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44105-2919
15700 Lotus Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44128-1736
9711 Lamont Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44106-4124
12523 Woodside Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44108-2422
19101 Puritas Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44135-1029
5550 Clark Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44102-4569
10701 Shaker Blvd, Cleveland, OH - 44104-3752
4906 Fleet Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44105-3328
12510 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44106-1932
4850 Pearl Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-4138
6700 Lansing Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44105-3756
2015 W 95th St, Cleveland, OH - 44102-3727
4430 State Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-4705
4430 State Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44109-4705
17720 Puritas Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44135-2716
3200 West 65th St, Cleveland, OH - 44102-5510
16210 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44111-5521
16210 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44111-5521
3727 Bosworth Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44111-6037
8912 Morris Ct, Cleveland, OH - 44106-1033
3799 W 33rd St, Cleveland, OH - 44109-2572
2501 E 61st St, Cleveland, OH - 44104-1816
4401 Valleyside Rd, Cleveland, OH - 44135-1049
15720 Kipling Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44110-3105
885 E 146th St, Cleveland, OH - 44110-3701
4129 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44103-1129
17914 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44112-1222
800 Linn Dr, Cleveland, OH - 44108-2755
3800 W 140th St, Cleveland, OH - 44111-4972
2200 E 55th St, Cleveland, OH - 44103-4406
650 E 113th St, Cleveland, OH - 44108-2603
13442 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH - 44111-3432
4901 Galaxy Pkwy Ste L, Cleveland, OH - 44128-2811
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Find in Cleveland
Schools of Cleveland are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Cleveland schools of that type.
- Preschools (78)
- Elementary Schools (136)
- Middle Schools (134)
- High Schools (63)
- Public Schools (155)
- Private Schools (31)
Find Elementary Schools in Ohio
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