Public Schools in Chicago, IL
There's 658 public schools found in Chicago, IL. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Chicago schools on this page to choose from.
Chicago Map with Public Schools
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List of Chicago Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Chicago. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Chicago. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
4647 West 47th St, Chicago, IL - 60632-4847
910 Buren St, Chicago, IL - 60607
6820 S Washtenaw Ave, Chicago, IL - 60629-1826
1641 W 16th St, Chicago, IL - 60608-2039
2845 W Barry Ave, Chicago, IL - 60618-7015
2510 W Cortez St, Chicago, IL - 60622-3422
2651 W 23rd St, Chicago, IL - 60608-3609
2916 W 47th St, Chicago, IL - 60632-1907
2050 N Natchez Ave, Chicago, IL - 60707-3420
5135 S California Ave, Chicago, IL - 60632-2124
2744 W Pershing Rd, Chicago, IL - 60632-1631
7416 N Ridge Blvd, Chicago, IL - 60645
4248 W 47th St, Chicago, IL - 60632-4402
4248 W 47th St, Chicago, IL - 60632-4402
5050 S Homan Ave, Chicago, IL - 60632-3059
4248 W 47th St, Chicago, IL - 60632-4402
5025 S St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL - 60632-3159
4420 S Fairfield Ave, Chicago, IL - 60632-1937
10810 South Ave H, Chicago, IL - 60617-6726
3630 South Wells St, Chicago, IL - 60609-1833
4929 North Sawyer Ave, Chicago, IL - 60625-5008
2957 North Hoyne Ave, Chicago, IL - 60618-8208
2625 North Orchard St, Chicago, IL - 60614-1573
630 East 131st St, Chicago, IL - 60827-1309
5110 North Damen Ave, Chicago, IL - 60625-1317
1119 East 46th St, Chicago, IL - 60653-4403
950 West 33rd Place, Chicago, IL - 60608-6712
2110 West Greenleaf Ave, Chicago, IL - 60645-3620
7415 S East End Ave, Chicago, IL - 60649
8300 South Saint Louis Ave, Chicago, IL - 60652-3224
8505 South Ingleside Ave, Chicago, IL - 60619-6390
1643 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Chicago, IL - 60660-4106
2989 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL - 60618-7347
3986 W Barry Ave, Chicago, IL - 60618-6524
3729 W Leland Ave, Chicago, IL - 60625-5706
3500 North Hoyne Ave, Chicago, IL - 60618-6112
231 North Pine Ave, Chicago, IL - 60644-2333
8045 South Kenwood Ave, Chicago, IL - 60619-3494
3212 W George St, Chicago, IL - 60618-7529
4707 West Marquette Rd, Chicago, IL - 60629-5641
2111 West 47th St, Chicago, IL - 60609-4011
6547 S Stewart Ave, Chicago, IL - 60621-3184
10354 South Charles St, Chicago, IL - 60643-2998
2828 North Kilbourn Ave, Chicago, IL - 60641-5381
7650 South Wolcott Ave, Chicago, IL - 60620-5227
1140 West 66th St, Chicago, IL - 60621-1240
4220 North Richmond St, Chicago, IL - 60618-2616
6445 West Strong St, Chicago, IL - 60656-4011
5255 S State St, Chicago, IL - 60609-6303
5025 North Laramie Ave, Chicago, IL - 60630-2326
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Find in Chicago
Schools of Chicago are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Chicago schools of that type.
- Preschools (540)
- Elementary Schools (681)
- Middle Schools (631)
- High Schools (240)
- Public Schools (658)
- Private Schools (245)
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