Middle Schools in Chicago, IL - Page 8
There's 631 middle schools found in Chicago, IL. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Chicago schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Chicago Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Chicago. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays middle schools from record 351 to 400. Navigate through other pages to find more middle schools in Chicago. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific middle schools from the list.
6333 W Bloomingdale Ave, Chicago, IL - 60639-3817
3320 W Hirsch St, Chicago, IL - 60651-2361
1501 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL - 60642-2355
1929 W Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL - 60640
2941 N Mcvicker Ave, Chicago, IL - 60634-5146
3202 W 28th St, Chicago, IL - 60623-4708
7433 S Dorchester Ave, Chicago, IL - 60619-2194
1420 N Hudson Ave, Chicago, IL - 60610-1124
8050 S Chappel Ave, Chicago, IL - 60617-1091
1920 North Hamlin Ave, Chicago, IL - 60647-3411
6550 S Richmond St, Chicago, IL - 60629-2821
9822 S Exchange Ave, Chicago, IL - 60617-5446
4217 W 18th St, Chicago, IL - 60623-2325
1537 N Lawndale Ave, Chicago, IL - 60651-2199
2250 N Clifton Ave, Chicago, IL - 60614-3523
6656 South Normal Blvd, Chicago, IL - 60621-2558
1841 N Springfield Ave, Chicago, IL - 60647-4600
4865 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL - 60640-3717
8801 S Indiana Ave, Chicago, IL - 60619-6692
6901 S Fairfield Ave, Chicago, IL - 60629-1912
4820 W Walton St, Chicago, IL - 60651-3209
4728 N Wolcott Ave, Chicago, IL - 60640-4364
3937 W Wilcox St, Chicago, IL - 60624-2833
12339 S Normal Ave, Chicago, IL - 60628-6413
3465 N Cicero Ave, Chicago, IL - 60641-3719
3527 S Wallace St, Chicago, IL - 60609-1737
9000 S Exchange Ave, Chicago, IL - 60617-4296
2060 W Granville Ave, Chicago, IL - 60659-3097
2233 W Ohio St, Chicago, IL - 60612-1519
4415 S Dr Martin L King Jr Dr, Chicago, IL - 60653-3310
3651 W Schubert Ave, Chicago, IL - 60647-1157
1335 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL - 60607-1529
1335 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL - 60607-1529
6936 S Hermitage Ave, Chicago, IL - 60636-3333
1711 N California Ave, Chicago, IL - 60647-5103
2153 W 111th St, Chicago, IL - 60643-3917
1744 W Pryor Ave, Chicago, IL - 60643-3497
6011 S Rockwell St, Chicago, IL - 60629-1133
431 N Troy St, Chicago, IL - 60612-1713
6710 North Washtenaw Ave, Chicago, IL - 60645-4598
10841 S Homan Ave, Chicago, IL - 60655-2611
10540 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL - 60643-3098
416 N Laramie Ave, Chicago, IL - 60644-1906
2200 N Hamlin Ave, Chicago, IL - 60647-2222
3539 W Grace St, Chicago, IL - 60618-4237
5335 S Kenwood Ave, Chicago, IL - 60615-5393
3737 S Paulina St, Chicago, IL - 60609-2047
4837 W Erie St, Chicago, IL - 60644-1720
55 W Cermak Rd, Chicago, IL - 60616-2001
1434 W Division St, Chicago, IL - 60642-3754
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Schools of Chicago are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Chicago schools of that type.
- Preschools (540)
- Elementary Schools (681)
- Middle Schools (631)
- High Schools (240)
- Public Schools (658)
- Private Schools (245)
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