Elementary Schools in Chesapeake, VA
There's 58 elementary schools found in Chesapeake, VA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Chesapeake schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Chesapeake Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Chesapeake. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Chesapeake. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
4320 Bruce Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23321-4205
1101 Volvo Pkwy, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-2814
1217 Centerville Tpke N, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-3025
1217 Centerville Tpke N, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-3025
1509 River Birch Run N, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-7403
1100 Battlefield Blvd North, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-4736
1571 Mt Pleasant Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-1226
1000 Mt Pleasant Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-3711
2901 Guenevere Dr, Chesapeake, VA - 23323-2704
2020 Portlock Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23324-2708
916 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA - 23322
1605 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA - 23322
1229 Hazel Ave, Chesapeake, VA - 23325-2903
2013 Scenic Pkwy, Chesapeake, VA - 23323
1240 Great Bridge Blvd, Chesapeake, VA - 23320
2448 Shipyard Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23323
2809 Forehand Dr, Chesapeake, VA - 23323-2005
3232 Battlefield Blvd S, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-2311
2008 Dock Landing Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23321-3512
1023 Deep Creek Blvd, Chesapeake, VA - 23323-2718
2500 Gilmerton Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23323
2601 Broad St, Chesapeake, VA - 23324
436 Providence Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23325
2248 Averill Dr., Chesapeake, VA - 23323
700 Mount Pleasant Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-3416
253 West Hanbury Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23322
333 Cedar Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-5513
201 Stadium Dr, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-4135
408 Cedar Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23322
1401 Battlefield Blvd South,, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-2101
1701 River Birch Run N, Chesapeake, VA - 23320
1100 Greenbrier Pkwy Ste B, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-3096
1551 Eden Way South, Chesapeake, VA - 23320
109 Benefit Road, Chesapeake, VA - 23322
3320 Battlefield Blvd S, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-2313
1012 Battlefield Blvd N, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-4734
1200 Kempsville Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-8129
1468 Kempsville Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-8133
1101 Madison Plz Ste 102, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-5179
1613 Mount Pleasant Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-1218
1115 Myrtle Ave, Chesapeake, VA - 23325
805 Battlefield Blvd N # 123, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-4878
1857 Varsity Dr, Chesapeake, VA - 23324
660 Grassfield Pkwy, Chesapeake, VA - 23322-7449
501 Providence Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23325-4907
600 Park Ave, Chesapeake, VA - 23324
1853 Battlefield Blvd S, Chesapeake, VA - 23322
2100 Steppingstone Square, Chesapeake, VA - 23320-2591
4410 Airline Blvd, Chesapeake, VA - 23321
1605 Sparrow Rd, Chesapeake, VA - 23325
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Find in Chesapeake
Schools of Chesapeake are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Chesapeake schools of that type.
- Preschools (45)
- Elementary Schools (58)
- Middle Schools (22)
- High Schools (16)
- Public Schools (46)
- Private Schools (29)
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