High Schools in Charlotte, NC
There's 66 high schools found in Charlotte, NC. This is 30% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Charlotte schools on this page to choose from.
Charlotte Map with High Schools
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List of Charlotte High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Charlotte. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays high schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more high schools in Charlotte. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific high schools from the list.
10220 Ardrey Kell Road, Charlotte, NC - 28277
1827 Back Creek Church Road, Charlotte, NC - 28213
1406 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28216-4550
2502 Salome Church Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28262
7000 Endhaven Ln, Charlotte, NC - 28277-2370
8120 Grier Road, Charlotte, NC - 28215
9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC - 28223
7702 Pineville Matthews Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28226-3934
7301 Sardis Road, Charlotte, NC - 28270
1440 Carmel Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28226-5096
8310 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28215-7659
3325 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC - 28217
9502 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28277-8695
2800 N Graham St, Charlotte, NC - 28206-1425
2731 N Graham St, Charlotte, NC - 28206-2615
8601 Mcalpine Park Dr, Charlotte, NC - 28211
9000 Robert D. Snyder Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28262-5018
5833 Millhaven Lane, Charlotte, NC - 28269-2733
1900 Newcastle St, Charlotte, NC - 28216-4719
6200 Starhaven Dr, Charlotte, NC - 28215-2406
5112 Central Ave, Charlotte, NC - 28205
4041 Johnston Oehler Road, Charlotte, NC - 28269
6800 Monroe Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28212-6821
6840 Wilson Grove Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28227-4239
1100 Eastway Dr, Charlotte, NC - 28205-1433
2001 Alleghany St, Charlotte, NC - 28208-3734
315 W Hebron St, Charlotte, NC - 28273-4304
1411 Hawthorne Ln, Charlotte, NC - 28205-2923
7200 E W T Harris Blvd, Charlotte, NC - 28215-7200
1967 Patriot Dr, Charlotte, NC - 28227-4123
4301 Shamrock Dr, Charlotte, NC - 28215-3915
2045 Suttle Ave, Charlotte, NC - 28208
1209 Little Rock Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28214
7600 IBM Drive, Charlotte, NC - 28262
1814 Euclid Ave, Charlotte, NC - 28203-4706
2230 W Sugar Creek Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28262
3825 Johnston Oehler Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28269-1017
6203 Carmel Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28226-8204
405 S. Davidson St, Charlotte, NC - 28202-2800
1411 Hawthorne Lane Ste A, Charlotte, NC - 28205-2923
2400 Colony Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28209-1716
333 Jeremiah Blvd, Charlotte, NC - 28262-4997
1415 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28216-4549
4301 Sandy Porter Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28273-3214
9536 Blakeney Heath Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28277-5670
2300 W Sugar Creek Road, Charlotte, NC - 28262-3144
3115 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC - 28211-2742
1430 Alleghany St, Charlotte, NC - 28208-0805
9232 Bob Beatty Rd., Charlotte, NC - 28269
200 Hawthorne Ln Unit 7d, Charlotte, NC - 28204-2515
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Find in Charlotte
Schools of Charlotte are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Charlotte schools of that type.
- Preschools (74)
- Elementary Schools (166)
- Middle Schools (96)
- High Schools (66)
- Public Schools (174)
- Private Schools (49)
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