Elementary Schools in Charleston, SC
There's 45 elementary schools found in Charleston, SC. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Charleston schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Charleston Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Charleston. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
1675 Raoul Wallenberg Boulevard, Charleston, SC - 29407
2518 Savannah Hwy, Charleston, SC - 29414-5325
172 Rutledge Ave, Charleston, SC - 29403-5877
1871 Wallace School Rd, Charleston, SC - 29407-4822
7 Saint Teresa Dr, Charleston, SC - 29407-7291
103 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC - 29401-3511
721 Wappoo Road, Charleston, SC - 29407
3790 Ashley Phosphate Rd, Charleston, SC - 29418-8560
56 Leinbach Dr, Charleston, SC - 29407-6988
15 Archdale St, Charleston, SC - 29401-1918
233 Line Street, Charleston, SC - 29403
382 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC - 29403
34 Race Street, Charleston, SC - 29403
2365 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC - 29492
3138 Ashley River Road, Charleston, SC - 29414
48 Meeting St, Charleston, SC - 29401
1576 Harbor View Road, Charleston, SC - 29412
15 Crosscreek Dr, Charleston, SC - 29412
1872 Grimball Road, Charleston, SC - 29412
741 King Street, Charleston, SC - 29403
56 Halsey Blvd, Charleston, SC - 29401-1180
642 Meeting St, Charleston, SC - 29403-4203
20 Beaufain Street, Charleston, SC - 29401
2 Perry Street, Charleston, SC - 29403
2122 Wood Avenue, Charleston, SC - 29414
278-a Meeting St, Charleston, SC - 29401-1531
691 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC - 29412
1125 Pittsford Cir, Charleston, SC - 29412-4107
91 Wentworth St, Charleston, SC - 29424-2402
537 Savannah Hwy, Charleston, SC - 29407-7209
505-a Arlington Drive, Charleston, SC - 29414
1567 Harbor View Rd, Charleston, SC - 29412-3223
1225 Orange Branch Road, Charleston, SC - 29407
721 Wappoo Road, Charleston, SC - 29407
300 Albemarle Rd, Charleston, SC - 29407-7524
2508 Ashley River Rd, Charleston, SC - 29414-4602
805 Morrison Drive, Charleston, SC - 29403
2130 Pinehurst Avenue, Charleston, SC - 29414
30 Chadwick Drive, Charleston, SC - 29407
883-a Mikell Drive, Charleston, SC - 29412
314 Huntley Drive, Charleston, SC - 29407
2391 Clements Ferry Rd, Charleston, SC - 29492-7732
888 King Street #a, Charleston, SC - 29403
723 Saint Andrews Blvd, Charleston, SC - 29407-7140
1293 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston, SC - 29407-3947
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Find in Charleston
Schools of Charleston are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Charleston schools of that type.
- Preschools (34)
- Elementary Schools (45)
- Middle Schools (29)
- High Schools (13)
- Public Schools (32)
- Private Schools (23)
Find Elementary Schools in South Carolina
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