High Schools in Buffalo, NY
There's 38 high schools found in Buffalo, NY. This is more than one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Buffalo schools on this page to choose from.
Buffalo Map with High Schools
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List of Buffalo High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Buffalo. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific high schools from the list.
280 Oak Street, Buffalo, NY - 14203
450 Masten Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14209-1799
190 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY - 14202
335 Doat St, Buffalo, NY - 14211
75 W Huron St, Buffalo, NY - 14201
205 Bidwell Pkwy, Buffalo, NY - 14222-1295
400 Kensington Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14214-2897
2303 Kenmore Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14207-1311
186 E North St, Buffalo, NY - 14204-1043
182 Sobieski St, Buffalo, NY - 14212-1506
820 Northampton St, Buffalo, NY - 14211
70 West Chippewa St, Buffalo, NY - 14202-2012
810 East Ferry St, Buffalo, NY - 14202
21 Lowell Pl, Buffalo, NY - 14213
319 Suffolk, Buffalo, NY - 14215
1140 Ellicott St, Buffalo, NY - 14209-1934
256 S Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14201
110 14th St, Buffalo, NY - 14213
33 Highland Pky, Buffalo, NY - 14223-1399
370 Lafayette Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14213
320 Porter Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14201-1084
2885 Main St, Buffalo, NY - 14214
666 E Delevan Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14215
1500 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14207-3086
2885 Main St, Buffalo, NY - 14214
88 Red Jacket Pkwy, Buffalo, NY - 14220-2011
3756 Delaware Ave 1, Buffalo, NY - 14217-1085
820 Northampton St, Buffalo, NY - 14211
75 W Huron St, Buffalo, NY - 14214-2154
462 Grider St, Buffalo, NY - 14215-3075
2885 Main St, Buffalo, NY - 14214
51 Ontario St, Buffalo, NY - 14207
1301 Genesee St, Buffalo, NY - 14211-2225
150 Southside Pkwy, Buffalo, NY - 14220
848 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14209-2008
65 Great Arrow Ave, Buffalo, NY - 14216-1106
1957 Genesee Street, Buffalo, NY - 14211
266 Genesee St, Buffalo, NY - 14204-1453
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Find in Buffalo
Schools of Buffalo are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Buffalo schools of that type.
- Preschools (45)
- Elementary Schools (75)
- Middle Schools (62)
- High Schools (38)
- Public Schools (85)
- Private Schools (15)
Find High Schools in New York
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