Bais Ruchel Dsatmar Girls School
Bais Ruchel Dsatmar Girls School is a Private Jewish school located at 84-88 Sanford St, Brooklyn, NY - 11205. It offers classes from kindergarten to 8th grade. The school has 124 teachers for a total 1,370 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 11.05. You may find the location of Bais Ruchel Dsatmar Girls School on the map above. Use the Driving Directions tab to find driving directions to this school.
School Details
Following is the detailed information on Bais Ruchel Dsatmar Girls School based on the data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
Kindergarten to 8th Grade
Total Teachers
Total Students
St-Teacher Ratio
Locale Type
City, Large
School Type
Regular Elementary or Secondary School
School Days
School Hours
Education Type
Female Only
Is Religious
Religious Orientation
Students by Grades
Following chart shows the distribution of students in different grades offered by Bais Ruchel Dsatmar Girls School.
Students by Race
Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races.
Nearby Middle Schools
Following is a list of other middle schools found within few miles of Bais Ruchel Dsatmar Girls School. You may also view all middle schools in Brooklyn , New York.
Beth Chana School (0.3 miles)712 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11206-5406
Bnos Spinka Boys School (0.3 miles)127 Wallabout St, Brooklyn, NY - 11206-5462
850 Kent Ave, Brooklyn, NY - 11205-2797(718) 622-9285
Success Academy Charter School - Bed Stuy 1 (0.3 miles)70 Tompkins Avenue #2, Brooklyn, NY - 11206(718) 635-3294
Talmud Torah Tzemach Tzadik Viznitz (0.3 miles)77-87 Wallabout St, Brooklyn, NY - 11249
Mosdos Chasidei Square (0.4 miles)105 Heyward St, Brooklyn, NY - 11206-5408
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New school! The school is listed on 1/27/2025 8:47:52 PM.