High Schools in Bronx, NY - Page 3
There's 169 high schools found in Bronx, NY. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Bronx schools on this page to choose from.
Bronx Map with High Schools
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List of Bronx High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Bronx. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays high schools from record 101 to 150. Navigate through other pages to find more high schools in Bronx. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific high schools from the list.
965 Longwood Avenue, Bronx, NY - 10459
99 Terrace View Ave, Bronx, NY - 10463
120 W 231st St, Bronx, NY - 10463
1180 Rev J A Polite Ave, Bronx, NY - 10459
1300 Boynton Ave, Bronx, NY - 10472
1980 Lafayette Ave, Bronx, NY - 10473
1110 Boston Rd, Bronx, NY - 10456
1595 Bathgate Ave, Bronx, NY - 10457
1551 E 172nd St, Bronx, NY - 10472
455 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY - 10455
701 St Anns Ave, Bronx, NY - 10455
4300 Murdock Ave, Bronx, NY - 10466-1822
915 Hutchinson River Pkwy 1, Bronx, NY - 10465
1497 Needham Ave, Bronx, NY - 10469-1552
240 E 172nd St, Bronx, NY - 10457
1010 Rev James Polite Ave, Bronx, NY - 10459
99 Terrace View Ave-rm 360, Bronx, NY - 10463
900 Tinton Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
99 Terrace View Ave-rm 254, Bronx, NY - 10463
900 Tinton Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
921 E 228th St, Bronx, NY - 10466
999 Pelham Pkwy N, Bronx, NY - 10469-4905
180 W 165th St, Bronx, NY - 10452
838 Brook Ave, Bronx, NY - 10451
1734 Williamsbridge Rd, Bronx, NY - 10461-6204
1300 Boynton Ave, Bronx, NY - 10472
3000 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461
925 Astor Ave, Bronx, NY - 10469
1005 Intervale Avenue, Bronx, NY - 10459
2780 Schurz Ave, Bronx, NY - 10465-3234
560 E 179th St, Bronx, NY - 10457
2750 Lafayette Ave, Bronx, NY - 10465
2555 Tratman Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461
3050 Webster Ave, Bronx, NY - 10467
778 Forest Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
750 Baychester Ave, Bronx, NY - 10475
770 Grote St, Bronx, NY - 10460
3177 Webster Ave, Bronx, NY - 10467
2697 Westchester Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461
3540 Bivona St, Bronx, NY - 10475
1434 Longfellow Ave, Bronx, NY - 10459
3961 Hillman Ave, Bronx, NY - 10463-3099
3000 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461
660 W 237th St, Bronx, NY - 10463-1499
1100 Boston Rd, Bronx, NY - 10456
3000 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY - 10461
3490 3rd Ave, Bronx, NY - 10456
360 E 145th St, Bronx, NY - 10454
425 E 240th St, Bronx, NY - 10470-1797
2250 Williamsbridge Rd, Bronx, NY - 10469-4891
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Find in Bronx
Schools of Bronx are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Bronx schools of that type.
- Preschools (176)
- Elementary Schools (277)
- Middle Schools (209)
- High Schools (169)
- Public Schools (452)
- Private Schools (53)
Find High Schools in New York
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