Middle Schools in Bradenton, FL
There's 48 middle schools found in Bradenton, FL. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Bradenton schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Bradenton Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Bradenton. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific middle schools from the list.
6423 9th Street E, Bradenton, FL - 34203
6423 9th St E, Bradenton, FL - 34203
6413 9 St E, Bradenton, FL - 34203-7642
400 30th Ave W, Bradenton, FL - 34205-9378
3200 75th St W, Bradenton, FL - 34209-5887
6215 River Club Blvd, Bradenton, FL - 34202-9303
3304 43rd St W, Bradenton, FL - 34209
9501 East State Rd 64, Bradenton, FL - 34212-9238
6024 26th St W, Bradenton, FL - 34207-4468
5500 18th St E, Bradenton, FL - 34203-4403
2520 43rd St W, Bradenton, FL - 34209-5763
7431 Manatee Ave W, Bradenton, FL - 34209-3444
4000 53rd Ave West, Bradenton, FL - 34210-3474
1700 51st Avenue East, Bradenton, FL - 34203
1910 27th St East, Bradenton, FL - 34208-7423
1400 1st Ave E, Bradenton, FL - 34208-1302
10535 Portal Crossing, Bradenton, FL - 34211
5500 34th St W, Bradenton, FL - 34210-3506
7900 40th Ave W, Bradenton, FL - 34209-6400
3809 59th St W, Bradenton, FL - 34209
1803 5th St West, Bradenton, FL - 34205-8303
1501 7th Ave E, Bradenton, FL - 34208
2121 26th Ave E, Bradenton, FL - 34208
4550 30th St E, Bradenton, FL - 34203
215 Manatee Ave West, Bradenton, FL - 34205-8840
600 75th St Nw, Bradenton, FL - 34209-7204
4635 26th St W, Bradenton, FL - 34207-1702
4635 26th St W, Bradenton, FL - 34207-1702
4304 32nd Street West, Bradenton, FL - 34205
3508 26th St West, Bradenton, FL - 34205-3502
4480 51st St West, Bradenton, FL - 34210-2855
6215 Lorraine Road, Bradenton, FL - 34202
6215 Lorraine Rd, Bradenton, FL - 34202-6708
6102 39th Ave W, Bradenton, FL - 34209
400 30th Ave W, Bradenton, FL - 34205
6423 9th St E, Bradenton, FL - 34203
6502 44th Ave E, Bradenton, FL - 34203-9311
1200 37th Ave E, Bradenton, FL - 34208
1805 30th Ave W, Bradenton, FL - 34205-6367
1805 30th Ave W, Bradenton, FL - 34205
2990 26th St W, Bradenton, FL - 34205-3738
315 41st St W, Bradenton, FL - 34209-2943
5840 26th St West, Bradenton, FL - 34207-3522
1218 7th Avenue East, Bradenton, FL - 34208
202 13th Ave East, Bradenton, FL - 34208-3246
3801 59th St West, Bradenton, FL - 34209-6050
1112 49th Ave E, Bradenton, FL - 34203-2648
9607 State Road 70 E, Bradenton, FL - 34202-9414
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Find in Bradenton
Schools of Bradenton are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Bradenton schools of that type.
- Preschools (35)
- Elementary Schools (55)
- Middle Schools (48)
- High Schools (37)
- Public Schools (54)
- Private Schools (24)
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