Middle Schools in Boise, ID
There's 32 middle schools found in Boise, ID. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Boise schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Boise Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Boise. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific middle schools from the list.
6300 Denton Street, Boise, ID - 83704-9326
1846 N Dawn Ln, Boise, ID - 83713
111 South Auto Drive, Boise, ID - 83709
8201 West Victory Rd, Boise, ID - 83709-4166
5600 East Warm Springs Avenue, Boise, ID - 83716-8700
2121 North Cole Rd, Boise, ID - 83704-7312
8051 West Salt Creek Court, Boise, ID - 83709-5006
3536 Hill Rd, Boise, ID - 83703-4717
12639 Explorer Drive Suite 185, Boise, ID - 83713-1615
600 Steelhead Way #164, Boise, ID - 83704
600 North Steelhead Way Building 3, Boise, ID - 83702-9620
6148 North Discovery Way, Boise, ID - 83713-8296
11625 La Grange Street, Boise, ID - 83709-5199
4150 East Grand Forest Dr, Boise, ID - 83716-7198
13600 West Mcmillan Rd, Boise, ID - 83713-0531
1105 North 13th St, Boise, ID - 83702-4199
1845 South Federal Way, Boise, ID - 83705-4261
3080 Wildwood St, Boise, ID - 83713-5073
650 W State St, Boise, ID - 83702
6801 North Gary Lane, Boise, ID - 83714-2444
5521 E Warm Springs Ave, Boise, ID - 83716-4901
8900 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Boise, ID - 83714-3859
3901 Cassia St, Boise, ID - 83705-2112
457 East Parkcenter Boulevard, Boise, ID - 83706-6501
3101 Cassia St, Boise, ID - 83705-2337
825 W Fort St, Boise, ID - 83702-5526
7503 W Northview St, Boise, ID - 83704-7235
2620 W State St, Boise, ID - 83702-2243
6801 North Gary Ln, Boise, ID - 83714-2444
216 North Roosevelt, Boise, ID - 83706-1850
4950 N Bradley St, Boise, ID - 83714-1478
8371 West Salt Creek Court, Boise, ID - 83709-5019
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Find in Boise
Schools of Boise are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Boise schools of that type.
- Preschools (63)
- Elementary Schools (69)
- Middle Schools (32)
- High Schools (30)
- Public Schools (75)
- Private Schools (22)
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