High Schools in Birmingham, AL
There's 39 high schools found in Birmingham, AL. This is about one third of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Birmingham schools on this page to choose from.
Birmingham Map with High Schools
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List of Birmingham High Schools
Following is the list of all high schools found in Birmingham. The high schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific high schools from the list.
1632 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL - 35233
150 Glenwood Ln, Birmingham, AL - 35242-5700
1312 22nd St S, Birmingham, AL - 35205
8301 8th Ave S, Birmingham, AL - 35206-3454
8301 8th Ave S, Birmingham, AL - 35206
3900 24th Street North, Birmingham, AL - 35207
6255 Cahaba Valley Rd, Birmingham, AL - 35242-4915
222 6th Ave Sw, Birmingham, AL - 35211
222 6th Ave Sw, Birmingham, AL - 35211-2204
959 Huffman Rd, Birmingham, AL - 35215-7846
118 55th St N, Birmingham, AL - 35212
125 63rd St North, Birmingham, AL - 35212-1548
829 Mcmillon Ave Sw, Birmingham, AL - 35211-1700
4000 Eagle Point Corporate Dr, Birmingham, AL - 35242-1900
1450 Carson Rd North, Birmingham, AL - 35217-1171
3900 24th Street North, Birmingham, AL - 35207
1137 10th Pl S, Birmingham, AL - 45205
6869-5th Ave So., Birmingham, AL - 35212
2001 19th Street Ensley, Birmingham, AL - 35218-2099
2015 Park Place N, Birmingham, AL - 35203
900 Springville Rd, Birmingham, AL - 35215-7506
1810 25th Ct S, Birmingham, AL - 35209-1926
1300 Ave F Ensley, Birmingham, AL - 35218-2421
50 Long St, Birmingham, AL - 35217-1320
2100 18th Street South, Birmingham, AL - 35209
300 Lakeshore Pkwy, Birmingham, AL - 35209-7114
75 Bagby Dr, Birmingham, AL - 35209
10 67th St N, Birmingham, AL - 35206
5568 Chalkville Rd, Birmingham, AL - 35235-2170
5476 Caldwell Mill Rd, Birmingham, AL - 35242
900 4th Street North, Birmingham, AL - 35204
1800 13th Ave South, Birmingham, AL - 35205-5518
5320 Miles Spring Rd, Birmingham, AL - 35238-2139
4700 Jaguar Drive, Birmingham, AL - 35242
2701 Sydney Dr, Birmingham, AL - 35211-6907
4801 Altamont Rd So., Birmingham, AL - 35222-4445
2800 Wilson Rd Sw, Birmingham, AL - 35221-1715
5080 Cahaba Valley Trce, Birmingham, AL - 35242-3627
5620 First Ave North, Birmingham, AL - 35212-1602
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Find in Birmingham
Schools of Birmingham are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Birmingham schools of that type.
- Preschools (60)
- Elementary Schools (83)
- Middle Schools (62)
- High Schools (39)
- Public Schools (74)
- Private Schools (48)
Find High Schools in Alabama
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