Bellingham Family Partnership Program
School Details
Following is the detailed information on Bellingham Family Partnership Program based on the data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.
Students by Grades
Following chart shows the distribution of students in different grades offered by Bellingham Family Partnership Program.
Students by Race
Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races.
Students by Gender
Following chart shows the ratio of male and female students of Bellingham Family Partnership Program.
Nearby High Schools
Following is a list of other high schools found within few miles of Bellingham Family Partnership Program. You may also view all high schools in Bellingham , Washington.
Sehome High School (0.8 miles)2700 Bill Mcdonald Pkwy, Bellingham, WA - 98225-5909(360) 676-6481
Independence High School (1.6 miles)100 Pine St Ste 106, Bellingham, WA - 98225-8862
Explorations Academy (2.5 miles)1701 Ellis St # 215, Bellingham, WA - 98225-4651
Bellingham High School (2.8 miles)2020 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham, WA - 98225-3648(360) 676-6575
Bellingham Re-engagement Program (2.8 miles)1306 Dupont St, Bellingham, WA - 98225-3118(360) 676-6400
Options High School (2.9 miles)2015 Franklin St, Bellingham, WA - 98225-4220(360) 647-6871
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