Elementary Schools in Bayamon, PR
There's 28 elementary schools found in Bayamon, PR. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Bayamon schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Bayamon Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Bayamon. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
Pr 864 Km 0.5 Bo. Hato Tejas, Bayamon, PR - 00959
Carr 829 Km 5 Hm 5 Bo Santa Oyala, Bayamon, PR - 00957
Carr 167 Ramal 816 Km 6 Bo Nuevo, Bayamon, PR - 00956
8va Secc Urb Santa Juanita Calle Pensacola, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Carr 167 Ramal 829 Km 1.4 Bo Buena Vista, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Calle 10 Urb Magnolia Gardens, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Ave Main Santa Rosa, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Urb Lomas Verdes Calle Tulipan, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Urb San Fernando 9 Interior Calle Los Millones, Bayamon, PR - 00957
Urb Lomas Verdes Calle Jacinto Esq Dragon, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Urb Rexville Calle 13 Esq 21, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Urb Santa Monica Calle 8 A, Bayamon, PR - 00960
Urb Jardines De Caparra Ave Colectora Central, Bayamon, PR - 00959
Carr 174 Km 10 Hm 9 Bo Guaraguao, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Ave Teniente Martinez Alturas De Flamboyan, Bayamon, PR - 00961
Urb Santa Juanita Calle Roble Secc 11, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Carr 167 Ramal 812 Km 3 Hm 1 Bo Dajaos, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Pmb 263 Uu-1 C/39, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Urb Ext Villa Rica Calle 4 Esq 5, Bayamon, PR - 00959
Carr 830 Km 2 Hm 2 Cerro Gordo, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Ave Cementerio Nacional Hato Tejas, Bayamon, PR - 00960
Carr 831 Urb Lomas Verdes, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Carr 167 Km 15 Hm 3 Parc Vans Coy Bo Buena Vista, Bayamon, PR - 00957
Urb Cana 100 Calle 11, Bayamon, PR - 00957
Urb Jardines De Caparra Calle 21 #200, Bayamon, PR - 00959
Urb Royal Town Calle 3 Final, Bayamon, PR - 00956
Urb Riverview Calle 7 Blq F, Bayamon, PR - 00961
Carr 864 Calle Hato Tejas, Bayamon, PR - 00956
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Find in Bayamon
Schools of Bayamon are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Bayamon schools of that type.
- Preschools (13)
- Elementary Schools (28)
- Middle Schools (25)
- High Schools (18)
- Public Schools (42)
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