Private Schools in Baltimore, MD
There's 102 private schools found in Baltimore, MD. This is 27% of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Baltimore schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Baltimore Private Schools
Following is the list of all private schools found in Baltimore. The private schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays private schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more private schools in Baltimore. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific private schools from the list.
6631 Johnnycake Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21244-2401
3500 Foster Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21224
3701 Sinclair Ln, Baltimore, MD - 21213-2018
3030 N Rolling Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21244-2021
8830 Orchard Tree Ln, Baltimore, MD - 21286-2143
4915 Holder Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21214-3012
4915 Holder Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21214-3012
300 Dumbarton Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21212
3006 W Cold Spring Ln, Baltimore, MD - 21215-6699
2220 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore, MD - 21218
1001 S Potomac St, Baltimore, MD - 21224-4920
3407 Clarks Ln, Baltimore, MD - 21215
7427 Rossville Blvd, Baltimore, MD - 21237-3713
3300 Old Court Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21208-3316
6300 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21215-2906
822 W Lake Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21210-1298
8102 Lasalle Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21286-8022
105 Tuscany Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21210-3098
5407 Loch Raven Blvd, Baltimore, MD - 21239-2996
5713 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21215-3929
6118 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21215
4810 Seton Dr, Baltimore, MD - 21215-3210
5603 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD - 21210-2097
420 S Chester St, Baltimore, MD - 21231-2729
5300 York Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21212
3807 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD - 21218-1806
5114 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD - 21210-2095
5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD - 21215-3207
5407 Roland Ave Ste 1, Baltimore, MD - 21210-1990
5300 Gwynn Oak Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21207-6866
8100 Stevenson Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21208-1866
1401 Carrollton Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21204-6518
5826 York Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21212-3607
5407 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD - 21210-2094
6077 Moravia Park Dr, Baltimore, MD - 21206
200 N Bentalou St, Baltimore, MD - 21223-1423
3615 Falls Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21211-1815
1720 Belmont Ave Ste A, Baltimore, MD - 21244-2503
1201 S Caton Ave Ste 1, Baltimore, MD - 21227-1072
8501 Loch Raven Blvd, Baltimore, MD - 21286-2318
901 N Aisquith St, Baltimore, MD - 21202-5499
1335 W N Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21217-3537
400 Mount Wilson Ln, Baltimore, MD - 21208-1108
5713-b Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21215-3929
8100 Stevenson Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21208-1866
1300 E Northern Pkwy, Baltimore, MD - 21239-1919
3702 Fords Ln, Baltimore, MD - 21215-2904
915 Milford Mill Rd, Baltimore, MD - 21208-4614
200 Martin Luther King Blvd, Baltimore, MD - 21201
2215 Greenmount Ave, Baltimore, MD - 21218-5421
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- Preschools (225)
- Elementary Schools (272)
- Middle Schools (181)
- High Schools (99)
- Public Schools (271)
- Private Schools (102)
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