Elementary Schools in Augusta, GA
There's 37 elementary schools found in Augusta, GA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Augusta schools on this page to choose from.
Augusta Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Augusta Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Augusta. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
4301 Wheeler Road, Augusta, GA - 30907
2329 Barton Chapel Rd, Augusta, GA - 30906-9503
3309 Milledgeville Road, Augusta, GA - 30909
3925 Harper Franklin Ave, Augusta, GA - 30909
2372 Lumpkin Rd, Augusta, GA - 30906-5372
1440 Jackson Rd, Augusta, GA - 30909
3131 Walton Way, Augusta, GA - 30909-3266
1326 Broad St, Augusta, GA - 30901-1056
1820 Windsor Spring Rd, Augusta, GA - 30906
2248 Walton Way, Augusta, GA - 30904
3500 Walton Way Extension, Augusta, GA - 30909-6594
1100 Eisenhower Dr, Augusta, GA - 30904
2838 Glenn Hills Dr, Augusta, GA - 30906
4040 Old Waynesboro Rd, Augusta, GA - 30906
2032 Tobacco Rd, Augusta, GA - 30906-0296
3130 Skinner Mill Rd, Augusta, GA - 30909
333 Greene Street, Augusta, GA - 30901
3045 Deans Bridge Rd, Augusta, GA - 30906-2999
800 15th Ave, Augusta, GA - 30901
3140 Lake Forest Drive, Augusta, GA - 30909
510 Eve Street, Augusta, GA - 30904
3100 Perimeter Pkwy, Augusta, GA - 30909
3630 Goldfinch Dr, Augusta, GA - 30906
415 Boy Scout Rd, Augusta, GA - 30909-3503
2164 Richmond Avenue, Augusta, GA - 30904
3420 Julia Ave, Augusta, GA - 30906
1220 Monte Sano Ave, Augusta, GA - 30904-4698
3840 Wrightsboro Road, Augusta, GA - 30909
Augusta, Augusta, GA - 30906
2397 Tobacco Rd, Augusta, GA - 30906-9295
1301 Wrightsboro Rd, Augusta, GA - 30901-3289
311 Warren Road, Augusta, GA - 30907
3067 Wheeler Rd, Augusta, GA - 30909-3399
2530 Wheeless Rd, Augusta, GA - 30906
2623 Washington Rd, Augusta, GA - 30904-5939
1925 Kratha Drive, Augusta, GA - 30906
310 Kentucky Ave, Augusta, GA - 30901
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Find in Augusta
Schools of Augusta are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Augusta schools of that type.
- Preschools (32)
- Elementary Schools (37)
- Middle Schools (22)
- High Schools (18)
- Public Schools (43)
- Private Schools (14)
Find Elementary Schools in Georgia
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