Elementary Schools in Auburn Hills, MI
There's 6 elementary schools found in Auburn Hills, MI. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Auburn Hills schools on this page to choose from.
Auburn Hills Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Auburn Hills Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Auburn Hills. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
2900 Waukegan St, Auburn Hills, MI - 48326-3264
3655 N Squirrel Rd, Auburn Hills, MI - 48326-3940
1525 University Dr, Auburn Hills, MI - 48326-2675
3075 Shimmons Rd, Auburn Hills, MI - 48326-2068
2450 Old Salem Rd, Auburn Hills, MI - 48326-3432
2600 Dexter Rd, Auburn Hills, MI - 48326-2101
Other Elementary Schools Nearby
The following elementary schools are located nearby Auburn Hills.
Notre Dame Preparatory School & Marist Academy (0.8 miles)1300 Giddings Rd, Pontiac, MI - 48340-2108
Gull Lake Virtual Partnership (1.1 miles)315 Hutchinson Rd, Battle Creek, MI - 49017-8763
744 East Walton Blvd, Pontiac, MI - 48340-1361
Herrington School (1.6 miles)541 Bay St, Pontiac, MI - 48342-1916
Brookfield Academy - Rochester Hills (2.8 miles)1263 S Adams Rd, Rochester Hills, MI - 48309-2806
Kennedy Center (2.9 miles)1700 Baldwin Ave, Pontiac, MI - 48340-1116
Owen Elementary School (2.9 miles)1700 Baldwin Ave, Pontiac, MI - 48340-1116
Meadow Brook Elementary School (3.2 miles)2350 Munster Rd, Rochester Hills, MI - 48309-2404
Musson Elementary School (3.2 miles)3500 Dutton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI - 48306-2228
Whitman Elementary School (3.4 miles)60 Parkhurst St, Pontiac, MI - 48342-2628
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Find in Auburn Hills
Schools of Auburn Hills are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Auburn Hills schools of that type.
- Preschools (3)
- Elementary Schools (6)
- Middle Schools (3)
- High Schools (4)
- Public Schools (4)
- Private Schools (3)
Find Elementary Schools in Michigan
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