The New School

School Address

1015 Edgewood Ave Ne
Georgia - 30307-2543

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The New School is a Private school located at 1015 Edgewood Ave Ne, Atlanta, GA - 30307-2543. It offers classes from 9th grade to 12th grade. The school has 12 teachers for a total 80 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 6.67. You may find the location of The New School on the map above. Use the Directions tab to find driving directions to this school.

School Details

Following is the detailed information on The New School based on the data provided by National Center for Education Statistics.

Grades 9th Grade to 12th Grade
Total Teachers 12
Total Students 80
St-Teacher Ratio 6.67
Locale Type City, Large
School Type Regular Elementary or Secondary School
School Days 180
School Hours 7.25
Education Type Co-Education
Is Religious No
Religious Orientation Nonsectarian

Students by Grades

Following chart shows the distribution of students in different grades offered by The New School.

Students by Race

Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races.

Students by Gender

Following chart shows the ratio of male and female students of The New School.

Nearby High Schools

Following is a list of other high schools found within few miles of The New School. You may also view all high schools in Atlanta , Georgia.

User Reviews

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Reviews Shared by Our Visitors

1 of our visitor shared his/her review on The New School.

  •   by
    on 11/03/2022

    This school is now a disaster. I truly believe it once was a great school, but the head of school is completely incompetent. As a result, they have lost many of their great teachers from several years ago (and there are several teachers that are good still, but they don't actually push students enough to have a high quality education. Although it is relatively inexpensive compared to many other private schools, but after attending there for one year it is clear you get what you pay for. Go to a free government school insetad. This is the school for you, if you want a school where your child will be in classes without teachers, where they will be left behind on field trips, where the head of school ignores requests for meetings for months on end about issues at the school, where the school doesn't provide the necessary paper work in time for deadlines in order for you to transfer to another school, where the head of school doesn't teach the class he is supposed to, where the math teacher is absent at least 1 day per week, where your child won't have a chair or a desk to sit at in some classes instead they get to sit on the floor or a counter, where the bathrooms are filthy because they are too cheap to pay for janitorial services and they don't actually have their students take care of the property. Lastly, they play games with classes to show you the good teachers during student shadow days while hiding the unsatisfactory teachers. If you want a real high school education do NOT go to this school.

    Relation to School: Parent of Student