Elementary Schools in Arecibo, PR
There's 16 elementary schools found in Arecibo, PR. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Arecibo schools on this page to choose from.
Arecibo Map with Elementary Schools
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List of Arecibo Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Arecibo. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific elementary schools from the list.
Carr 681 Hm 3 Bo Islote, Arecibo, PR - 00614
Ave Constitucion Esq Ave Cotto Bo Cotto, Arecibo, PR - 00612
Carr 638 Hm 5 Bo Miraflores, Arecibo, PR - 00612
Urb Villa Serena Calle Orquidea, Arecibo, PR - 00614
Carr 10 Km 78 Hm 9 Bo Hato Viejo, Arecibo, PR - 00612
Carr 682 Km 7 Hm 5 Bo Garrochales, Arecibo, PR - 00612
1 Secc Animas Bo Factor, Arecibo, PR - 00614
Carr 2 Km 68 Bo Santana, Arecibo, PR - 00612
Urb Vista Azul Calle 17, Arecibo, PR - 00612
Ave Constitucion Bo Cotto, Arecibo, PR - 00612
Carr 129 Km 28 Hm 3 Bo Hato Arriba, Arecibo, PR - 00612
Carr 639 Km 3 Hm 2 Bo. Sabana Hoyos, Arecibo, PR - 00614
Carr #483 Km 13 Hm 1 Bo Piedra Gorda, Arecibo, PR - 00614
Carr 53 Km 1 Hm 5 Sect Barrancas, Arecibo, PR - 00614
Carr 635 Km 2 Bo Dominguito, Arecibo, PR - 00612
#603 Ave. Miramar Carr #2, Arecibo, PR - 00612
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Find in Arecibo
Schools of Arecibo are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Arecibo schools of that type.
- Preschools (6)
- Elementary Schools (16)
- Middle Schools (16)
- High Schools (11)
- Public Schools (21)
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