Middle Schools in Arcadia, FL
There's 8 middle schools found in Arcadia, FL. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Arcadia schools on this page to choose from.
Arcadia Map with Middle Schools
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List of Arcadia Middle Schools
Following is the list of all middle schools found in Arcadia. The middle schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow.
27 N Polk Ave, Arcadia, FL - 34266-3953
420 E Gibson St, Arcadia, FL - 34266
930 East Cypress St, Arcadia, FL - 34266-9047
310 W Whidden St, Arcadia, FL - 34266-3336
310 W Whidden St, Arcadia, FL - 34266-3336
201 N 11th Ave, Arcadia, FL - 34266-8917
494 N Manatee Ave, Arcadia, FL - 34266-4043
310 W Whidden St, Arcadia, FL - 34266-3336
Other Middle Schools Nearby
The following middle schools are located nearby Arcadia.
Gator Wilderness Camp School (16.4 miles)44930 Farabee Rd, Punta Gorda, FL - 33982-9536
2700 Panacea Blvd, North Port, FL - 34289-9512
365 Orlando Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL - 33954-3504
Port Charlotte Adventist School (19.5 miles)2100 Loveland Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL - 33980-5753
23000 Midway Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL - 33952-2942
Imagine School at North Port (20.5 miles)1000 Innovation Ave, North Port, FL - 34289
St Charles Borromeo Catholic School (21.5 miles)21505 Augusta Ave 4, Port Charlotte, FL - 33952-5413
Charlotte Harbor School (22 miles)22450 Hancock Ave, Port Charlotte, FL - 33980
Pioneer Career Academy (22.5 miles)200 S Florida Ave, Wauchula, FL - 33873
Alane Academy (22.9 miles)316 Terrell Rd, Wauchula, FL - 33873-8735
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Find in Arcadia
Schools of Arcadia are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Arcadia schools of that type.
- Preschools (3)
- Elementary Schools (9)
- Middle Schools (8)
- High Schools (8)
- Public Schools (10)
- Private Schools (2)
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