Public Schools in Appleton, WI
There's 40 public schools found in Appleton, WI. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Appleton schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Appleton Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Appleton. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
913 North Oneida Street, Appleton, WI - 54911
313 South State Street, Appleton, WI - 54911
320 South Walnut Street, Appleton, WI - 54911
2121 Emmers Dr, Appleton, WI - 54915-3802
610 North Badger Ave, Appleton, WI - 54914-4198
120 E Harris St, Appleton, WI - 54911-5403
501 South Bluemound Dr, Appleton, WI - 54914-4134
3601 South Telulah Ave, Appleton, WI - 54915-9372
3310 N Durkee St, Appleton, WI - 54911
913 N Oneida St, Appleton, WI - 54911-4910
2121 Emmers Dr, Appleton, WI - 54915-3802
412 North Meade St, Appleton, WI - 54911-5570
324 East Florida Ave, Appleton, WI - 54911-1368
515 E Capitol Dr, Appleton, WI - 54911-1265
5000 North Ballard Rd, Appleton, WI - 54913-8942
1000 S Mason St, Appleton, WI - 54914-5499
2212 North Jarchow St, Appleton, WI - 54911-2898
2037 N Elinor St, Appleton, WI - 54914-2299
2101 Schaefer Cir, Appleton, WI - 54915-4705
2305 W Capitol Dr, Appleton, WI - 54914-6831
2224 N Ullman St, Appleton, WI - 54911-3243
1000 S Mason St, Appleton, WI - 54914-5499
2725 E Forest St, Appleton, WI - 54915-3399
318 E Brewster St, Appleton, WI - 54911-3799
2020 S Carpenter St, Appleton, WI - 54915-4899
1125 E Taft Ave, Appleton, WI - 54915-2561
5000 N Ballard Rd, Appleton, WI - 54913-8942
2037 N Elinor St, Appleton, WI - 54914
610 N Badger Ave, Appleton, WI - 54914-4198
1441 E John St, Appleton, WI - 54915-3498
1000 N Mason St, Appleton, WI - 54914-3698
305 W Foster St, Appleton, WI - 54915-1515
N9363 Exploration Ave, Appleton, WI - 54915-8773
2121 Emmers Dr, Appleton, WI - 54915-3802
10 East College Ave, Appleton, WI - 54911-6138
610 N Badger Ave, Appleton, WI - 54914-4198
225 North Badger Ave, Appleton, WI - 54914-3898
120 East Harris St, Appleton, WI - 54912-2019
N9085 N Coop Rd, Appleton, WI - 54915
North Coop Road, Appleton, WI - 54915
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Find in Appleton
Schools of Appleton are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Appleton schools of that type.
- Preschools (27)
- Elementary Schools (37)
- Middle Schools (20)
- High Schools (15)
- Public Schools (40)
- Private Schools (13)
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