Elementary Schools in Alexandria, VA
There's 65 elementary schools found in Alexandria, VA. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Alexandria schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Alexandria Elementary Schools
Following is the list of all elementary schools found in Alexandria. The elementary schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays elementary schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more elementary schools in Alexandria. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific elementary schools from the list.
2400 Russell Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22301-1536
5632 Mount Vernon Memorial Hwy, Alexandria, VA - 22409
5632 Mount Vernon Memorial Hwy, Alexandria, VA - 22026-2277
6701 Fort Hunt Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22307-1713
1417 W Braddock Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22302-2799
6344 Beryl Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22312
5917 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22310-2298
6925 University Dr, Alexandria, VA - 22307-1526
5927 Westchester St, Alexandria, VA - 22310-1122
6811 Beulah St, Alexandria, VA - 22310-3291
3434 Campbell Dr, Alexandria, VA - 22303
4875 Eisenhower Ave Ste 210, Alexandria, VA - 22304-4833
1115 Martha Custis Dr, Alexandria, VA - 22302-2034
5720 Clermont Dr, Alexandria, VA - 22310
1321 Leslie Avenue, Alexandria, VA - 22301
3600 Commonwealth Ave, Alexandria, VA - 22305-2810
1101 Janneys Ln, Alexandria, VA - 22302
8428 Highland Lane, Alexandria, VA - 22309
1701 N Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA - 22311
8832 Linton Ln, Alexandria, VA - 22308
6301 Beulah St, Alexandria, VA - 22310
2601 Cameron Mills Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22302
3601 Russell Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22305-1731
6900 Harrison Ln, Alexandria, VA - 22306
7633 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22315
2310 Nordok Place, Alexandria, VA - 22306
3415 Lockheed Blvd, Alexandria, VA - 22306
109 Bellaire Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22301
7855 Morning View Ln, Alexandria, VA - 22315
5000 Polk Ave, Alexandria, VA - 22304
1501 Cameron St, Alexandria, VA - 22314
5651 Rayburn Ave, Alexandria, VA - 22311
7137 Beulah St, Alexandria, VA - 22315
5801 Castlewellan Dr, Alexandria, VA - 22315-5558
530 S St Asaph St, Alexandria, VA - 22314
6300 Florence Ln, Alexandria, VA - 22310-2200
6116 N Kings Hwy, Alexandria, VA - 22303
2601 Commonwealth Ave, Alexandria, VA - 22305
4015 Fielding St, Alexandria, VA - 22309
600 Russell Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22301
4116 Braddock Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22312
4643 Taney Ave, Alexandria, VA - 22304
212 S Washington St, Alexandria, VA - 22314
4409 Sano St, Alexandria, VA - 22312-1555
6744 S Kings Hwy, Alexandria, VA - 22306-1318
8410 Old Mount Vernon Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22309
6301 Rose Hill Dr, Alexandria, VA - 22310
435 Ferdinand Day Dr, Alexandria, VA - 22304
2901 Popkins Ln, Alexandria, VA - 22306-1888
8009 Fort Hunt Rd, Alexandria, VA - 22308-1207
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Find in Alexandria
Schools of Alexandria are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Alexandria schools of that type.
- Preschools (58)
- Elementary Schools (65)
- Middle Schools (27)
- High Schools (17)
- Public Schools (55)
- Private Schools (32)
Find Elementary Schools in Virginia
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