Public Schools in Albany, NY
There's 33 public schools found in Albany, NY. This is more than half of all the schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Albany schools on this page to choose from.
Albany Map with Public Schools
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List of Albany Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Albany. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific public schools from the list.
700 Washington Ave, Albany, NY - 12203-1495
19 Hackett Boulevard, Albany, NY - 12208
108 Whitehall Rd, Albany, NY - 12209-1495
900 Watervliet-shaker Rd-ste 102, Albany, NY - 12205
1 Arbor Dr, Albany, NY - 12207-1399
116 N Lake Ave, Albany, NY - 12206-2710
250 Central Ave, Albany, NY - 12206-2610
1 Raider Blvd, Albany, NY - 12205-2784
43 Bertha St, Albany, NY - 12209-2102
1044 Western Ave, Albany, NY - 12203-2795
100 Forest Dr, Albany, NY - 12205-2599
274 S Pearl St, Albany, NY - 12202-1899
99 Slingerland St, Albany, NY - 12202-2635
30 Watervliet Ave, Albany, NY - 12206-1935
65 Krank Street, Albany, NY - 12202
321 Northern Blvd, Albany, NY - 12210
68 Waterman Ave, Albany, NY - 12205-3698
45 Tremont St, Albany, NY - 12205-1798
385 New Scotland Ave, Albany, NY - 12208-2797
570 N Pearl St, Albany, NY - 12204
State Campus Bldg 2, Albany, NY - 12226
41 N Allen St, Albany, NY - 12203-1601
100 California Ave, Albany, NY - 12205-2896
676 Clinton Ave, Albany, NY - 12206-2216
100 Loralee Dr, Albany, NY - 12205-2200
329 Sand Creek Rd, Albany, NY - 12205-2999
512 Albany Shaker Rd, Albany, NY - 12211-1599
400 Sheridan Ave, Albany, NY - 12206-2920
100 Elbel Ct, Albany, NY - 12209-1239
94 Delaware Ave, Albany, NY - 12202-1398
25 Veeder Dr, Albany, NY - 12205-3694
6270 Johnston Rd, Albany, NY - 12203-4397
45 Delaware Ave, Albany, NY - 12202-1301
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Find in Albany
Schools of Albany are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Albany schools of that type.
- Preschools (20)
- Elementary Schools (36)
- Middle Schools (23)
- High Schools (14)
- Public Schools (33)
- Private Schools (17)
Find Public Schools in New York
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